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Everything posted by Tavaruawon

  1. haha this thread is funnay. And it boosted my own self esteem, because I don't suck as much as you do. <-- Getting laid tonight
  2. Very fast wave, one of the best lefts in teh world!!!
  3. Skateboarding isn't banned. I was there in December, last year and never got kicked out of a spot or even hassled really. A couple of the more famous ledge spots (MACBA Ledges...) were recently anchored and all of the local kids seem to know how to remove skatestoppers. Crowbar + Sledgehammer = win. Check out Los Porchus and Sants Estacio. Anyways, Ibiza.
  4. GO TO IBIZA. THERE'S SO MUCH FOREIGN TRIM, YOU'LL BE SWIMMING IN PUSSY ALL FUCKING NIGHT. The clubs and Dj's are the best in the world and they're all starting to open right about this time of the year. It's a short flight from Madrid to the Island. Ibiza is paradise mayn. Barcelona has a lot of good skate spots, and is a very skate-friendly place. If you're into that type of thing... Never kicked it in Madrid much. Just passed through a few times. Have fun.
  5. Try Ayahuasca. It is a mix of fairly common Amazonian plants mostly available online, Caapi vine etc, and MAOI's which make the DMT orally active. The trip lasts a lot longer than smoked DMT crystals, the two biggest differences are the come up time (much more integrating) which takes a while compared to the absolute fucking blast off of smoked DMT. And something we used to call the Purge. lol And no, Salvia is not comparable to DMT. The only real similarity is the length/time of the trip. About 10-15 minutes from blast off to total come-down. Thing is, when in 'DMT Space' time has no meaning and it feels as if centuries could pass by in minutes. What turns out to be five minutes can seem a lifetime to the user. DMT is stored naturally within the brain of every human being and is one of the chemicals related to near death experiences since it is released during the process of death. Peace
  6. Out here in Livermore it Stormed quite radically for a couple of hours straight earlier. Heavy downpours, hail, more thunder than I've heard in quite a few years and a bit of lightning out over the Altamont. Thats the news where I live, back to you chuck.
  7. haha, you know what... that is fucking hella true!... The whole ' coalescence of wilderness & technology' thing. Couldn't have summed it up any better. + it is one type of electro music I really don't feel silly breaking and dancing to.
  8. lol somehow this shit tripped me the fuck out for a minute. It's matching perfectly to the beat I'm listening too... weirdererererdrrd. Is she chasing her stolen bike?
  9. Ergot... it's scheduled + HEAVILY watched in the states (- reason why 'cid is tuff to find stateside since like '98)... and you're not going to synth it unless you're pretty much a fucking genius. Leave that to the pros broskeph. /troll :scrambled: again!
  10. Awesome ^ This motherfucker right here. And Berkeley aint strict 'bout shit except tobacco smoke and military recruitment son! <--- fucked up!:scrambled:
  11. Far from it mayn. I am an enhancement drinker. I had to fuck my palette way the fuck up in order to truly appreciate such a fine ale as it is. Like eating saltines in between a taste testing. After a night of cheap beer, In n Out, Tums, and heartburn I can now truly dig the sixers of Lagu chilled in my fridge. Hairy eyeball, Censored, 09 Correction, and of course Shutdown. In fact I think I'll have one with meh cheerios. Nothing better.
  12. Hmm, not really but... okay! Sooo.... in conclusion, Datura is an amazing, mind altering experience that no half-sane person should be without! Jim Morrison did it so why shouldn't you!?
  13. Kinda,... good to see folks traveling and doing what they do. Pm me narc.. Neuro wants to say whats up... peace.
  14. Seriously what is with these niggas. Kids are trying to claim fame through names of cats they really don't even know. I suppose that this is the scene in the valley. Fronting. Lots of it. -Lords, ALB, LNO, GL, BMB, HTF KREW NIGR. WHAT BITCH. Anyways kids got some practice to do. Why? 'Cuz you're fucking up.
  15. ^ He's good. Shai, I went and 'sat' in on a bunch of classes over the past few years as a part of my guerilla education 101.... Simpsons Philosophy (aka Homer's Odyssey) was the fucking coolest, I attended a bunch of them with a boy of mines and it was always good times. It really is an open campus and it's very easy to get into all types of classes without enrolling. Anyways apparently niggas in the Au. sip Tropanes for fucking breakfast. Sturdy bunch they is -they is. Although, maybe kid was lacking fluids and this could be due to the huge fucking drought they have, I still don't recommend it. Peace, one.
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Conie is the fucking man. Can't wait for his shit to premier June 1st. hahah
  17. Nah worries, Berkeley's Campus is a big place with a lot of lab passes, nobody's been compromised. That includes myself. Teeeheheee! Potassium nitrate, brown sugar + ethanol and baking soda = smoke bomb... Ninja Vanish! Peace
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