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yinz n'at

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Everything posted by yinz n'at

  1. ill have more when im done editing.
  2. street cred... i actually took pictures of graffiti yesterday im gonna post tonight... yeah yup these are for you..
  3. got to homeys crib, ate a 30 mg aderol and blew a huge dose of mole and made these. tour of the crib.. smoked mad weed and watched these dazed and confused and a drawing session... "you little freshman bitches" yowza end.
  4. this painting rules. en route to the homeys new house. went to the thrift store and copped these taco fucking bell. chill out liquor store i didnt flick.. got a big ole bottle of jim beam black, made a drink and went to the grocery store for supplies football season again pervact MOAR.
  5. its been a while. im unemployed again and figured a way to celebrate (kinda pissed about not working) would be an alcohol and drug induced day in pies. all iphone flicks.. some have that hipstamatic filter on them. start the day smoking weed then got one of these. went to lunch and had a bleu burger and some bells 2 hearted ales at this place called the sharp edge smoked more weed and went to the natural history museum, the homey is blending with the high eskimo homey homeboy aint lookin too good mothin it up dinosaurs love. a few gems MOAR.
  6. whats that? make you say.. "uhohwhatamistake"
  7. hi 12 oz! i got thursday and saturday coming tomorrow... 300 flicks im pumped
  8. also a gordita and cruckwrap supreme aint no dollar menu bulshit
  9. props to both... nut it was jim beam black.
  10. paid kills it... that mural is ugly as shit imo.. just sayin.
  11. post taco bell i went to my homey's house.. blew a hefty amount of mole, drink half a bottle of jim beam. ate some aderol and watched dazed and confused... woke up at 8 am after going to bed at 6 with the worst tacobell/whiskey shits i have EVER had and trust me ive had my fare share. all and all... good fucking night. p.s. #allrightyoulittlefreshmanbitches #airraid.
  12. im about to go to taco bell for the second day in a row... #uhohwhatamistake
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