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Everything posted by chrism

  1. I think the plate thrower missed his mark. The blonde is being attacked by the Japs. That guy meant to hit the blonde, prolly hit his sister. Ching Chong Bing Bong
  2. Mac_Daddyy on Instagram.........
  3. kids nervous in his own room.......... repost
  4. they sound like a bunch of mf doom rip offs to me.
  5. this is a good watch if you arent in the mood to get scared or excited or interested...no action, all suspense led up to nothing, no tits....just monster sexin(which was hot)
  6. anyone have that article of how exakto had a "double"? i cant remember if it was an article or not, either way please post!
  7. first of all...the dude is 10 feet away! i just realized theres no second part to my argument.
  8. lol this shit is awesome
  9. was born in el paso and never knew about that...great pictures tho. go utep! btw, did u happen to get a pic of the star on the mountain?
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