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Everything posted by castro

  1. oh and mayormenino - those are great.
  2. Cheers blahh, i'll give that a go. To any Epson V700 scanner users, I have a query. Got mine about a week ago, and although I've learnt how to scan 35mm, alot of the time the auto crop function on the EpsonScan program used to scan the film either crops the frame or can't read it. What I was more interested in though is learning how to scan full frame - the whole frame including the negative border. Anyone who can give any advice on this, I would be very grateful. A friend of mine filed down his negative carrier, but I'm slightly worried about doing this in case i damage it beyond repair, and also I don't see how it would work anyway because the scanner automatically selects only the contents of the frame, without the border/sprockets etc.
  3. decaying - on the same ps cs3 problem. I've downloaded the trial version off the adobe site and then hunted around for a working serial number. Found one, as in, i enter it and it ticks the box, but whenever I try to activate it, as it always asks you to do when you start the program, it doesn't work and says there is a problem and asks me to call the helpline. But fuck that. Anyone got a solution to this? Or any advice on where to find working serial numbers, or reliable downloads? appreciated..
  4. nice live shots. what camera/flash?
  5. Anyone have it? Needless to say, I want it but don't want to pay the stupid amount it is. If anyone here has downloaded it, where from? And is it reliable? no spyware or anything..
  6. you would have to pay me to have sex with those women. alot. and i mean alot.
  7. Been quite a while since I posted anything in here. Some stuff from over the summer: Reading Festival, England. Photography my friend's band. A different show: London: Montreal: Somewhere in Canada.. New York: Decaying - loving your stuff as always. There is a certain something about your photos I can't put my finger on, but I really like it.
  8. Circa are rad. Saosin too. Lucky bastard..
  9. Anyone got any advice on resizing photos on photoshop without losing the resolution? Whenever I do, it seems to fuck up, I lose the resolution, or the canvas shrinks but not the photo, or vice versa. appreciated...
  10. Re: The Catface is scared and having problem...seriously weigh in on this shit right someone repost please.
  11. Re: The Catface is scared and having problem...seriously weigh in on this shit right there were pics of catfaces boobs?
  12. with a little path running through the middle, to create a kind of layered effect.
  13. I enjoy talking about films, music and art? Does that make me a hipster? Bullshit!
  14. I too know this, Beer goggles are great/terrible sometimes.
  15. also: 'i love you too' 'of course i love you' 'yes i'm being honest when i say i love you'
  16. YES! holy shit. I am actually colour blind, but whenever i mention it in passing to a girl, I somehow get a 'awwww, really?' and a sympathetic smile. It definitely does seem to spark things along. Weird what girls will fall for.
  17. edit. the flickr links didn't work..
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