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Everything posted by cannagrafic

  1. if u see that low class who is writing those eight balls over those pieces at your spot give him a pounding
  2. at menards the max before the police involved is $10... get a public defender and plead not guilty
  3. wow this is unbiased? holy shit you have burnin lines allday?
  4. hbak getting flicked already damn... paer was good those faces under hip hop!!! and rio and others
  5. sign just never quits... autoracks
  6. thats what i was gonnna say good post though
  7. the first picture on the page, when the page is scrolled up kinda looks like a constipated south park character...
  8. looks like benching out the bedroom window or something heh some goods
  9. nice pullin off those rollin shots at night? some good stuff
  10. theres thats it.... call out names to bump, or send me assholeish messages telling me i suck. if you don't like what you see leave the thread
  11. thanks everyone for interrupting.
  12. sorry yo, theres only 2 freight flicks from there...chill out and im not finished....
  13. Well its that time again. I got about 100 flicks here from various spots amongst wisconsin and minnesota. I resized all of the flicks manually so they are proportional, it might look weird but oh well. Yeah and theres massive amounts of the home towns hitters. Just wait until I'm done now.... I probably forgot something else I wanted to say but oh well.. enjoy
  14. keep goin you had yen jersey and 420 riot
  15. Re: Anybody going to BB King Blues Club on 42nd Street to see Necrophagist, Decapitat wrong metal heads yo
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