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Everything posted by MekA_OnES?

  1. Holy shit this is hilarious!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1262992/George-Jolicur-The-43-stone-man-fat-lock-up.html
  2. MekA_OnES?


    http://www.airmax-warehouse.com/Products/Nike-Air-Max-1--160-2931.html these shoes are going for 1000 bucks on ebay, something is fishy
  3. MekA_OnES?


    can anyone tell me if this site is legit, seems to good to be true.... http://www.airmax-warehouse.com/wholesale_lots/Nike-Air-Max-1-1_p8.html
  4. can someone hook up a torrent link?
  5. I just saw groundation the other week and they fucking killed it. Been waiting for them to come to town for years...
  6. I should have probably scrolled down before making this thread. But I was in a hurry to shut this bitch up!
  7. I just got in a long ass argument with my girl, who was trying to tell me that her trying ecstasy 3 or 4 times was not as bad as me smoking weed everyday for a few years. she doesn't smoke, I've never done x Can anyone help me prove her wrong? I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one...
  8. I duno if ya'll can see this, but on Shani Davis's helmet is a piece that I think was done by WIZ.... If anyone has a better pic or knows how to zoom in on a pic can help me confirm or deny this. Pretty ill if it is....
  9. MekA_OnES?


    oh god that fish pussy is terrifying
  10. confidence gets you laid faster than good looks ever can
  11. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/Man-Takes-Bite-Out-of-Crime-Fighter-82030952.html :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. haha wouldn't you like to know...
  13. Re: Fucking Favorite Flickr Flicks mosluggo whats good hit me up
  14. TONIGHT: Dubstep house party with some college kids, should be like 150 peeps at least SATURDAY: Do some shopping Friends band has a gig, gonna go out and support them. get wasted SUNDAY: Pack bags for 3 week trip to cali chyea
  15. I'm bouta be out in SF soon, can't wait
  16. MekA_OnES?


    my current weekday go betweens
  17. whats good? I still have no clue, maybe a yachtmaster...or maybe I'll just buy a banana suit or some shit :confused:
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