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Everything posted by ADEL

  1. Nah don't make a whole new thread for toy battles just post em in here. Just real quick while I was makin` my mack N cheese. The one I am entering is the one withe the arrows ponting towards it and the light little outline. If you guys want it to be just that I can draw it again. -we should more battles.
  2. I don't care whatever word, I do'nt have any colors right now so it will be i black and white but I do'nt care what everyone else does. I am gonna turn mine in, like an hour cuz I'm a bit busy but theres no due date. characters do'nt matter and the word I am doing is-- CHLORO. I don't know why it just popped in my head, lol.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fuck it. lol, It's off.
  4. lol. what did it say b4 you edited the post?:D Wanna battle? like not a serious battle or anything but I'm just bored.
  5. lol, nice. I'll try to add in s color throw of mine. Just one letter off frum eachotha lol.
  6. ADEL


    lol, thats cool. to be cruisin the internet and see your shit :D
  7. ADEL


    how is it stolen when it's your handstyle? lol. dope ass thread bytheway :D
  8. How do you guys go about selling your canvas's?
  9. yeah, my friend has etch and we tried doin it on some office building but It did'nt work. It was like some purple film stuff. like tint kinda.
  10. lol, wtf are you talking about. lets see your shit?
  11. Enjoy bein a toy while you still can lol. when your a toy what else is gonna happen your not gonna be "deranked" lol. And I read it somewere but I can't find it bbut I beleive the order is. -Toy -Writer -Good writer -king -world wide famous shit.
  12. what do you mean the words or letters? --- and yeah, sesu's got hella train ups, lol.
  13. yeah those ones are hella ruff, lol. It only takes me like 2 seconds tho so I don't mind. Get like atleast 10 of em up in a minute. heres another but the lower bomb was a drymarker, soo I was just playin around. lol. -crits and Advise are appreciated :D
  14. lol, I swear they are not as shitty as the look :D :D :D
  15. ADEL


    These are'nt ver good but it's just my 2 second throwie :D I'll prolly get some better ones up later.
  16. well here some of my handstyles. I'll put some throwies up too in a bit,
  17. ADEL


    Just some quick ones for ya. don't got a cam so I just scanned em from paper. :D
  18. Thats cool, don't make the same mistake as me tho. lol. I did'nt find this site until after about a year I had been writing, so me being the cool ass kid that I was started hittin up my school bathroom and everywhere with toy tags(I got kicked outta school, they said I did like 2,000$ damage to the fuckin school and I was like fuck no I only used markers lol.) well that was fuckin stupid cuz now when I'm just drivin around I'm like "fuckin toys fuckin everything up" lol. But yeah find a concreted ditch or plywood board to learn can control. Listen to the veterans and shit on here they usually know what they are talking about.:D
  19. it's allrigight, how long have you been writing? It's good that you've been keepin` it simple. And I allready e-maled you Mr. Cosby. : )
  20. ADEL

    156 All Stars!

    Re: 156 All Stars! BUMP, this thread.
  21. lets see your shit Bill.?!?!?!?
  22. Is it too late to do the judge battle? I'll start the next one then. -Anyone is in. -Black & white. -characters are allowed. and it isnt a word it is the letter... S lol, I feel like the count. And the due date is- MAY 15
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