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I was born here

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Everything posted by I was born here

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Indeed, makes a nice desktop background.
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Regular, I know how to make that though.
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I'm about to have some tea. Happy new years y'all.
  4. Re: What You Guzzlin' Tonight? Apple juice on mine.
  5. Re: What You Guzzlin' Tonight? /No homo?
  6. Me neither. I went to a skate park yesterday and started to get the hang of it though. Not that hard, you just bend knees at the right times I think.
  7. northface is good with the pockets inside enigmatic your skating looked a little slow but nice keep having fun
  8. Sorry to hear about your bro. 2007 was alright, but 2008 is going too kick ass.
  9. those are horrible surefire
  10. Ms. Parker was saved at the cost of MJ, some satan time controlling dude took her out and "reset" their lives back before they were married. I'm not very happy about it either, but I guess it had to be done since everyone knew Spidey was Peter. Secret identity is vital to Spider-Man too.
  11. Anyone else get their Amazing Spider-Man #545? I got mine yesterday and I'm unsure of my reaction towards it.
  12. You gotta sign up. Wiggity wiggity wack yo.
  13. I've been slightly sick too. Runny nose, watery eyes, feeling a bit weak. I'm trying to keep warm whenever possible and drink tea through out the day. I'm feeling better already.
  14. I thought he was good. I did want to see some normal tricks after a while though. Reminds me a bit of that Spencer guy.
  15. asian hipster clothing stores?
  16. So I guess I am somewhat tool status? Whatever. I'm really liking these 10 ft. ganja plant joints. Awesome name too.
  17. Bob Marley is the only reggae I've ever heard. I do like the music, so thanks for this thread and the reggae artist lists.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj65W_3UDeg&feature=related :)
  19. It is. Oakland downtown was empty this afternoon. Lots of fun on the bike.
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