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MountHolyoke last won the day on October 15 2007

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  1. Looks real good! Excellent post...i love it! Burl looks good!
  2. I would love a light table. I'm in Boston... come build me one!
  3. I agree. I TOTALLY TAKE BACK whatever criticisms i made about the newsroom... This weekend i re-watched a few episodes from this season, and i had mis-judged. the newsroom is actually very interesting. I actually love the scenes where the reporters are critiquing each others' articles, and helping with word choice... it's a totally departure from the usual show, and it feels very real.
  4. okay, yeah... i guess it wasn't Dook. i thought it looked like him, and it was dark. i guess when the camera showed Michael, in my mind it confirmed my suspicion that it was duke. but i guess it wasn't.
  5. The only thing i can think of is that the door was OPEN when something fell and spilled, or whatever. and that's how it was spread across the threshold without touching the doors. that seems like a more sensible possibility than trying to figure out how it happened with the doors closed.
  6. i thought that was consulting, but i may be wrong...
  7. Not to argue, but i believe he appreciated it from an aesthetic point of view, as well. R.I.P.
  8. don't get me wrong. Marlo is the fucking man, and that whole aspect of the show is totally dope. I really just think McNulty is an idiot, and i can't believe he's getting away with that bullshit.
  9. i (kind of) agree.... I had really high hopes for the Baltimore Sun story arc, and i'm a bit dissappointed. I still think it's the best show on TV, but last season was better.
  10. It's true... the police aspect (especially lately with McNulty's bullshit) is the one area of the show that i don't feel is very real. There are just a lot of holes in the police side of the story this season, in my opinion.
  11. It's dope that OnDemand is one episode ahead! I had no idea what they were doing with those cell phones, at first! Cool to see Randy again! What happened to Dook?? Did he get shot in the leg during that shoot out in the condo??
  12. YALL, don't get too discouraged yet! 26 is still quite young these days, and you have A TON of time to figure shit out. I know plenty of people who are already in their early 30's, and they have no real idea of what they wanna do.... and it's ok! they are reasonable, (somewhat) responsible people who are just taking longer than their parents did to figure it all out! You've heard "30 is the new 20?" Well, it's fucking true! Don't let that make you lazy, because you gotta get going sometime, but i would say just the fact that you've been bit by this "what-am-i-doing bug" is a good thing.
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