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Everything posted by Evangelion>Ogre

  1. Actually, I just baked some cookies (seriously) about an hour ago..you want some?
  2. That would be considered murder of innocent future children, of course... Smart, I never figured you for a baby-killer..kudos.
  3. Not to ruin the romanticism or anything, but I think that's called herpes.
  4. "Matrimonial Whoredom"??!?!? And people still subscribe to this school of thought? Seriously, how psychotic are these fanatics?
  5. Contra-Contraception By RUSSELL SHORTO Published: May 7, 2006, Yew York Times The English writer Daniel Defoe is best remembered today for creating the ultimate escapist fantasy, "Robinson Crusoe," but in 1727 he sent the British public into a scandalous fit with the publication of a nonfiction work called "Conjugal Lewdness: or, Matrimonial Whoredom." After apparently being asked to tone down the title for a subsequent edition, Defoe came up with a new one — "A Treatise Concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed" — that only put a finer point on things. The book wasn't a tease, however. It was a moralizing lecture. After the wanton years that followed the restoration of the monarchy, a time when both theaters and brothels multiplied, social conservatism rooted itself in the English bosom. Self-appointed Christian morality police roamed the land, bent on restricting not only homosexuality and prostitution but also what went on between husbands and wives. The Abortion Pill: Mifepristone, left, is taken at a clinic; misoprostol is taken 24 to 48 hours later at home. It was this latter subject that Defoe chose to address. The sex act and sexual desire should not be separated from reproduction, he and others warned, else "a man may, in effect, make a whore of his own wife." To highlight one type of then-current wickedness, Defoe gives a scene in which a young woman who is about to marry asks a friend for some "recipes." "Why, you little Devil, you would not take Physick to kill the child?" the friend asks as she catches her drift. "No," the young woman answers, "but there may be Things to prevent Conception; an't there?" The friend is scandalized and argues that the two amount to the same thing, but the bride to be dismisses her: "I cannot understand your Niceties; I would not be with Child, that's all; there's no harm in that, I hope." One prime objective of England's Christian warriors in the 1720's was to stamp out what Defoe called "the diabolical practice of attempting to prevent childbearing by physical preparations." The wheels of history have a tendency to roll back over the same ground. For the past 33 years — since, as they see it, the wanton era of the 1960's culminated in the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 — American social conservatives have been on an unyielding campaign against abortion. But recently, as the conservative tide has continued to swell, this campaign has taken on a broader scope. Its true beginning point may not be Roe but Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that had the effect of legalizing contraception. "We see a direct connection between the practice of contraception and the practice of abortion," says Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, an organization that has battled abortion for 27 years but that, like others, now has a larger mission. "The mind-set that invites a couple to use contraception is an antichild mind-set," she told me. "So when a baby is conceived accidentally, the couple already have this negative attitude toward the child. Therefore seeking an abortion is a natural outcome. We oppose all forms of contraception." The American Life League is a lay Catholic organization, and for years — especially since Pope Paul VI's "Humanae Vitae" encyclical of 1968 forbade "any action which either before, at the moment of or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation" — being anti-contraception was largely a Catholic thing. Protestants and other non-Catholics tended to look on curiously as they took part in the general societywide acceptance of various forms of birth control. But no longer. Organizations like the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, which inject a mixture of religion and medicine into the social sphere, operate from a broadly Christian perspective that includes opposition to some forms of birth control. Edward R. Martin Jr., a lawyer for the public-interest law firm Americans United for Life, whose work includes seeking to restrict abortion at the state level and representing pharmacists who have refused to prescribe emergency contraception, told me: "We see contraception and abortion as part of a mind-set that's worrisome in terms of respecting life. If you're trying to build a culture of life, then you have to start from the very beginning of life, from conception, and you have to include how we think and act with regard to sexuality and contraception." Dr. Joseph B. Stanford, who was appointed by President Bush in 2002 to the F.D.A.'s Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee despite (or perhaps because of) his opposition to contraception, sounded not a little like Daniel Defoe in a 1999 essay he wrote: "Sexual union in marriage ought to be a complete giving of each spouse to the other, and when fertility (or potential fertility) is deliberately excluded from that giving I am convinced that something valuable is lost. A husband will sometimes begin to see his wife as an object of sexual pleasure who should always be available for gratification." As with other efforts — against gay marriage, stem cell research, cloning, assisted suicide — the anti-birth-control campaign isn't centralized; it seems rather to be part of the evolution of the conservative movement. The subject is talked about in evangelical churches and is on the agenda at the major Bible-based conservative organizations like Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition. It also has its point people in Congress — including Representative Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, Representative Joe Pitts and Representative Melissa Hart of Pennsylvania and Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — all Republicans who have led opposition to various forms of contraception. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is considered one of the leading intellectual figures of evangelical Christianity in the U.S. In a December 2005 column in The Christian Post titled "Can Christians Use Birth Control?" he wrote: "The effective separation of sex from procreation may be one of the most important defining marks of our age — and one of the most ominous. This awareness is spreading among American evangelicals, and it threatens to set loose a firestorm.. . .A growing number of evangelicals are rethinking the issue of birth control — and facing the hard questions posed by reproductive technologies."
  6. Somewhat..now on to important questions..how do I post flicks??
  7. Seriously, when are we goint to get to learn how to make krink?:bawling: And how do you mix paint again? I forgot.
  8. Salads are for vegetarians..wouldn't you rather have some tube steak?
  9. Deftones have always been pretty decent, although I'll admit that I was wary of listening to them when the whole rap/rock scene was getting big, on account of all the aforementioned douchebaggery.. Example: Korn played a free show here, last night..Ugh. It's all promo for that stupid "Family Values" tour..Deftones, alone, I can enjoy.Chino's got some balls to do some of the things they do on stage, and his voice is just plain ridiculous..White Pony and the Self-Titled record were light years better then the first two records, the 80's shoegazer and pop influences really showed...
  10. Mar, you're too much of a tough guy..Those stories are among some of the more riveting ones in the entire Marvel Universe.. I'm just glad the lame mutants aren't being used..Jubilee, Dazzler, Banshee.. As long as they try to create some semblance of Claremont drama, I'm sure people will be suckered into enjoying it. On a side note, has anyone noticed how they're including the Black costume in the new Spider-Man flick? Thumbs down..I guarantee it will be worse than the second movie.
  11. Boooo to Mar for that one.. The Phoenix force is one of the things that keeps the X-Titles readable, every fanboy wonders when Jean is going to come back, every time she dies., and Rachel is a great character, too..This movie, however, is going to be a disappointment. Bump for Whedon to direct the next one, if there is a next one.
  12. Better Sean Penn than Jason Patric..I hate that fucker.
  13. This entire thread is gold. I fucking love it.
  14. As if there were any other kind... My question would be: What is your absolute favorite form of cruel and unusual punishment?
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