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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. noting how peeps are growing up around here. when will the new crop of teases roll through?
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Dear ben spambot i banned you but i've left this one post up so peeps can get with the escort service :rolleyes: !@#$% Dear venezuela, are you a dangerous place? i've read some crazy shit about caracas i love that city name i'd like to visit so.. lemme know !@#$% Dear IOU were those 3 guys that got killed by a train on an overpass (i think) in LA a few weeks back writers? the article only said the area was 'known for taggers' and my condolences on your loss. !@#$%
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    hmmm stole? or bought?
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Dear Cg HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA !@#$% Dear Virtue Word. Glad you got it. !@#$%
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear zeiss damn you make a good scope. i am rockin it right now. when i think back to the days i used magnafire, it's like the difference between DOS and android. love ya The Scientist dear anyone who thinks gas should be cheap(er) wake up and realize we have fought wars over this shit and it still ain't going down. last war barely put a dent in it you should be happy, in 2012 we might be paying $5.00/gal and if you think it'll ever be cheap again, you need to think about hubbert's peak and chinese consumption ain't gonna get low. ever. just imagine when it's water that is the precious resource. these days will look sweet. !@#$%
  6. i'm avoiding work like a mofo. if we're doing a movie, i'll cast as me. :haha:
  7. i loved anna karenina if you like it, read war and peace, it is an amazing book. also huge. i'm reading all the harry potters. i also just got a kindle so if anyone knows a good place to pirate books, lemme know.
  8. if you fucking chumps are going to post names or facebook pages you will be banned without warning.
  9. suhweet. i'm autoclaving some stuff. woohooo!!!!
  10. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear xmas 2010 holey shit that turned out pretty damn awesome. not as awesome as it could have been but hey, i was so nervous and paranoid. really, just super happy i did it instead of waiting for it to be over. tick another one off the list. plus, the gift giving and receiving was fucking great i didn't know i wanted a kindle, but it looks awesome and i knew i wanted a drafting table, and that thing rocks. on top of all of it, my boss told me not to come in yesterday, she's not here today and i'm off friday. Me
  11. hurrying like crazy to make cookies, laundry, take a shower, get the dogs ready, and pack ..and avoiding it on here....
  12. Re: Oh deer! It looks like my night just got a bit more interesting. (weak stomachs beware pretty awesome use of resource if you ask me. as a vegetarian i have a lot of respect for people who will butcher any meat they'll be eating. i've heard of roadkill harvests happening in my area, but for some goddamn reason the locals don't wanna start a thread about it.
  13. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    injury, glad you can see the silver lining !@#$% dear boss, you are super awesome. thanks for basically telling me you don't care if i come into work over the next ten days. i hope no more of your family/friend's family dies so you don't have to keep going to funerals. quitting my old job and working for you, even with the paycut, is one of the best decisions/strokes of luck i've ever had. love me
  14. we had some computer genius member back in like 2000 who had sold something he wrote for seriously like a million dollars. then of course he disappeared. i can never remember his screen name, only that it was one word, and something like newton. of course, it could be the drugs talking. ..and for tess, yeah, in greece it's 2 years conscription, i'm sure he's been done with it for awhile it's all that olympic pussy that's kept him off the boards :haha:
  15. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    injury, RIP to your dog. mine is my bff so i totally understand. hope 2011 is better for you !@#$%
  16. HAHAHAA and holy shit how could we forget fetaface! i miss that dood. and his pics.
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cG that might have been TMI !@#$% dear mistakes i made you !@#$%
  18. yeah ssn, seven.13 lurks but c'mon, these bitches were full-fledged members at one point, and though they may log on once in awhile (if ever) they are not the presence they once were.
  19. jades_blue Cinched waist fatalist alure rental catface MESTHREE seven.13 adios, muchachas
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