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Everything posted by "inkie"

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Bump for adios and that raw graffiti!!!!!!
  2. "inkie"


    I dont know about a wallride on a concrete barrier, theres a guy who does a semi wall ride on a fence in the trailer for mash, and this is pretty dope
  3. "inkie"


    for all the SF Fixie Heads http://www.mashsf.com
  4. "inkie"


    That guys mad hip hop the point of the story wasn't that the guy used his foot it was that he used no brakes period.exclamation point!
  5. Que quiere decir suban en ingles?
  6. "inkie"


    On a completely unrelated note, My Dad did some roadbiking in his time, and he has a couple of wild stories, as with everything hes ever done One of the craziest stories he told me was about a ride he did with a couple of friends and an ex tour rider up Mt. Diablo, and it basically was that they ride all the way to the top of Mt Diablo from the bottom, take a break at the top, and then before going back down the hill, the ex tour rider unhooks his brake and heads straight down the hill.... The guys still alive....i think
  7. "inkie"


    Wow, those bikes are not very popular....at all I'd imagine the people riding those bikes have to ride around until they find a suitable ledge... Or just fall halfway and then jump-off...
  8. "inkie"


    Those Pennyfarthings are pretty cool, but they aint got shit on these
  9. "inkie"


    On the subject of fixies: i have a couple of friends and/or family members who have fixies and encourage me to get one as well. I have a old touring bike and i was wondering if it would be easier to convert that or to just look into buying one new or used?
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco 4 more pages..... and that craigslist ad is a acheme by some po-lice
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Step it up, we need to make the sixhundredsixtysix quota before the clock strikes one o' clock
  12. Is this just the bay trash talk thread now?.. paperchase is down the fucking tubes.....
  13. has anyone found a good state your name 1 or 2 torrent, i download them and when i play it it start flashing green every other half second
  14. "inkie"


    does anyone know what you would do to repaint a bike, i dont think that spraypaint would work very well. any advice is appreciated
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that dayser and haker flick is sick, propss
  16. you totally bit that idea from rebel in that Paul 107 book
  17. kabar, Have you ever heard of paul petzoldt before. And also, if the train has no caboose, it's not leaving the state.
  18. maybe you should look around some more, theres already been about three of these, and this kinda has nothing to do with brick
  19. "inkie"


    i think i have an old fuji bike with some suntour parts on it, the only problem is it has the old style of brakes, my dad rode the double dipsea on it
  20. kabar, getting ssi if youre sixty five and have some condition really isnt that hard. if you have proof of a good work ethic(recommendations from bosses, work history) and you were homeless or disabled, the government will give you ssi. if you decide to retire in the east bay, or stretch does, hit up the hawkins center in richmond.
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