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Everything posted by tonysoprano

  1. someone shit out the front of my house and left their gloves next to it
  2. tonysoprano


    so how would change my screen name just create a new account?
  3. what does the Z stand for
  4. tonysoprano


    i just bought thaT NEW ROCKSTAr game bully, i havnt played it yet, any1 got it? how is it
  5. south park is painfully hilarious let me see your hall pas brah
  6. suck my balls you ginger jew rat hall moniter
  7. weird. i was thinking about this the other day and i decided that its not homo because there are plenty of other words we use out of context for one example, bad as good
  8. drunken sex like isor357 sed is best outside but inside still has its charms you forget her name and dissapear in the morning having slept in a warm bed
  9. hello weekend, hello jim beam how you been painted last night and tonight i will, see above
  10. skirmfirm was that all for you or were you supplying other artists? also it looks like it is all belton, nice stuff
  11. actually the NEW nitro N2 is not bitumen based it is acrylic based:
  12. the nutsack isnt a good idea i heard that it only applies to foreheads but what do i know
  13. new low pressure spanish montana nitro n2 is fucking amazing straight over silver without waiting for it to dry and it doesnt have bitumen in like coversall does
  14. theres a few folk on here id want to go drinkin with but THATs not goin to happen so lets talk shit here..... i umm once went spray paint graffiti art write tagging on this hermmmm bridge with a krink mop i err made off of the yard and paperchased the shit out of my pissing in the butt arena etc etc so you know right?
  15. perhaps if at the end of that clip he actually slammed it into his forehead i would've laughed but no he didn't and in not doing so it became gay
  16. ''apply directly to the...... umm.... line?
  17. my guess on the neas pen is a silver krink mop
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