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Everything posted by LiliStCynical

  1. Vermont (also another cool geography game http://www.geosense.net/)
  2. What did you win, you ask? Ice cream, retard.
  3. don't think so... but it's one of those sayings that has all sorts of variations...
  4. Don't shit where you eat, dumbass.
  5. Re: KOH's Death List. This guy: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111012
  6. haha. I'm not that cool. you lose.
  7. dude... giving her AIDS is soooo 90s
  8. nah. It's her 21st birthday. He has to do something big... Something she'll never forget. shit in her hair.
  9. Yea for sure. Make her something, or get her flowers. Fuck jewelery, unless she's your wife.
  10. Re: 12oz fit club ebph, you're right, but being slimmer/healthier does wonders for my inclination to be a total bitch to everyone... Most dudes can't handle it, and from my experience, the ones who can are usually total pussies that like women to step on their nuts in stilettoes or something...
  11. Re: 12oz fit club I know I was wasted on Saturday. I was also wasted last night. I said I lost the weight a few years ago in my post... But then I got all confident and started drinking and going back to what I did before and gained it all back. I just have one of those bodies that gravitates toward chubber-status.
  12. Re: 12oz fit club Yea I know. Even if you can't make time to exercise, what you eat makes a huge difference. I lost about 15 lbs a few years ago by just changing my diet. It's not like you have to go all vegan and shit. I just cut out cokes and junk food, and stopped drinking for a month or so.
  13. That tit is nasty. *right click save as...
  14. Those tits are never too old. <3
  15. Re: 12oz fit club Yea. It's about that time to get back on the carrot sticks. I'm pushing 155 and starting to get a belly...
  16. Yea I know. That rough/cold-sweat feel is what really makes movies creepy. I could watch gore for days, and it's like frolicing in the hilly brush with lambs and kittens. ABC is right though, the Wicker Man remake will most likely suck. Of course, that just leads back into the old argument about Hollywood's recycled ideas. Grant Morrison had some interesting commentary on it a while back, though. http://www.grantmorrison.com/column_archive1.htm I found the Symphony on BitTorrent, which is probably the easiest place to get it. The file is over 700MB. If you can't find it though, let me know. I could try to g-mail it.
  17. haha. I actually like Nicholas Cage... sometimes... Well, maybe it's just that I have a huge Wild at Heart fetish. he has his days, though.
  18. haha, damn KOH. I should've guessed you were a Lynch fan. Yea I've heard the song. I like a lot of Badalamenti's stuff. I debated putting down the City of Lost Children soundtrack, but it's not that great. Have you heard/seen the David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti Industrial Symphony? He's also doing the music for the remake of The Wicker Man! I just hope it's not some shitty remake of the movie. The old one has that nice rustic/creepy feel, kinda like the old Texas Chainsaw Massacre...
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