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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. thats a really cool one, like the background alot
  2. theres been alot of good work in here lately.
  3. cool, just wondering cause theres a crew in chicago called DC5 Def Con 5
  4. the truck i give props cuz thats differnt than other graff related...
  5. see....thats what i mean by boring....people take shit the wrong way.... i come here to see shit that took time and that has a value to it. i come here and i find canvases that were done in less than 10 minutes...:shakehead:
  6. LOL....aight....i'll come back in a few days....
  7. this is boring....graff on canvases.....
  8. love all the art work fellas....keep it up
  9. i got a 8oz bottle of krink....and i wanna put sum in a bottle of empty kiwi shoe wax....(the kind with the sponge on top can anyone help?
  10. The problem is that we have too much graff on canvas..... thats not what its about....graf is for sketch books and walls..... canvas=art......
  11. stenciling is hard work if you want ur shit to look like what its suppose to
  12. ok then....say someone really looked up to him...and they didnt kno.....dont they deserve to know?............... i think they do
  13. ive never done a canvas with paint markers...... i use spray sometimes for a dusty effect for a background.... well what ever brings out ur creation its all good! keep this rollin!!
  14. man fuck you kid come thru to buff capital! :D and get smashed
  15. you learn from your mistakes......thats how you avoid em next time.... i learned from mine....i tried to sketch with a pen....acryilcs dont go over pen...the pen eats it ...
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