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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Riding the "TransPerth" CP line train full of Child Predator trannies to expose them. Lucky I will never touch these pests of the dark web nor gratify them sexually, as I instead remind them of their crimes they commit which has doomed them to an inevitable death.
  2. Heading out to get groceries and some lunch. Unsure of the final destination where I will procure such health replenshing items on today's open world Witcher inspired fetch quest. I say this based on the goth clothed adorned witch which departed the train as I boarded invoking me feeling I might have to troll NPCs in public using a Geralt voice.
  3. Also add in "Look at that TPWF" in both acronym and long form to the list of acceptable passphrases to speak to me in public and identify onesself as being an actual conscious human being as opposed to a soulless NPC android. Wonk saggin.
  4. The answer to the question above is the AI is realising that something new needs to be tried to get kids to discard their goldfish like 5 second memories and enticing them to read something that isn't Harry Potter books. Perhaps reading grisly accounts of peer death is the way to dissuade Tick Tokers to get off the app and pay their drug debts, as nobody likes addicts who need to use tick to score drugs.
  5. Actually you are right, I meant @aimer Apologies @Schnitzelmy last memory of this thread prior to posting yesterday was of your animal photos so my brain cataloging system had yet to fully index all the contents of the internet I consumed in a pure logical binary pattern. If it helps, you are the default Australian I remember from here, so take that as a point to be proud of.
  6. After 42 years of living, and only drinking coffee in the past 2 or 3 years, I found a can of Monster and 2 cappucinos which I had to make for this FIFO ho-spit-alit-Y(?) course I was doing turns me more manic than smoking crack. I never realised how powerful a drug it is until I woke up this morning and laughed to myself about how I imagine the reptilians whom operate behind the curtain of reality take my baked bean fuelled shits and market it as the ultra premium "monkey shit coffee beans". Thankfully the coffees I imbibed were lower quality, but to understand the coprophiliacs I share a class with yesterday wished fo brag about drinking fecal matter as a point of pride is perhaps the most grandiloquent way of being a complete retard in public beyond using encoded language to do drug deals in class as I called the clowns out for due to them attempting to seem badass, when the truth is they are just the shit inside an ass.
  7. Yeah yeah yeah. discuss. I cut the video off too early as it is over a minute later and I am struggling to type this post out due to laughing at how ridiculous this thread can potentially become due to me trying to inflate my head like a basketball. 70744792884__E2071CAE-ECA9-4C42-85FE-AA102FFD9461.MOV
  8. Pretty sure it was "The Paradigm of Carefree Living". Based on my coffee to the point of overdose inspired threads of yesterday, I think I seem to care a little too much. Sadly I lost access to the account when they did the initial revamp with Justin Timberlake or whatever, and I lost my photos I got with Dream Theater and such that were on there and might be contained deep within my post history here. If anyone can access and add those pics sans MS Paint ninja mask as per the versions posted on Ch 0 I will luv you long tyme. *Disclaimer - I have no qualms about my face being associated with 12oz based on the fact I am not a criminal and have put (unmasked) images of myself on here anyway. Plus how else does one become a "Prophet" that "writes" and lives in "Oztralia" so I can adhere to my script as "Matthew Luke" other than post here?".
  9. Dragon of course. Is it even a question that we should bow in deferrence to our reptilian cow/cat/dogwhale hybrid overseers?
  10. Got this image of the "Catman" hiding in his lunar assylum as She goes about harvesting human desires as the energy which feeds the machine.
  11. Funny how when rages against the machine enough that "Genocide" is justified. I guess this is proof of ultimate power corrupting all the power is wielded upon. Whilst I do not advocate such behaviours as assault, rape or murder, having been victim of all these atrocities by the species known as human, I therefore would rather quench any desire for revenge by posing the potential I have for enacting my vengence through the supposition and threat that any fucktard clown who wishes to test me and face the wrath of a Mauler be aware that I will maul them without remorse whilst I laugh in their face as they bleed out as I stabbed a bitch I warned 3 tomes before and I will do it again lest my warningsto the damned here in Perth to get the fuck away from me are not heeded.
  12. And it would be all on the HIV(is) wearers to pay the bill for being locked up as a result of their own stupidity, in the ultimate ironic "fuck you" to "The Man" who uses money as a tool of subjugation.
  13. Plus one can game the system here by committing murder of some random NPC and getting a small sentence of paid rent, food and accomodation whilst being unafraid to kill whomever may pose a threat in prison during their stint inside. Just a heads up to those who might stupidly try to come at me, as I would delight in nothing more than taking a life to save them from this pathetic excuse of a domain if they come after me.
  14. And to even attempt to debate that the point of life is to laugh only proves the idiocracy of those whom deny the absurdity of man and all it's foilbles as being perfect for mockery and memery. I laugh at those who deny this as they are guilty of taking themselves too seriously to the place whereby they become the subject of being mocked by Me as in asserting they know better they only illustrate that they still have something they can potentially lose in their ego. Again, fear the man with nothing to lose as they have the ability to laugh at everyone and everything that exists. There is a reason why Buddhists state that detachment is the key to enlightenment, and exposing other's retention of their ego is a fun way to pass the time, believe me.
  15. The trivia we unconsciously store away so that we can indulge and impress each other with random pop culture references never ceases to astound me jajaja. Just had a convo with some Jehovos in the coty here and advised them that the suffering of mankind will never end for as long as egotistical NPCs try and imply they are Gods by creating life that enters this realm of inequity and suffering. They asked a question as to if I am Jesus, and in unveiling their own hypocrisy given "Jesus lives within us all" according to the scriptures they abide by, I said yes, but I am moreso here to laugh at mankind as they descend into the madness of being slaves to their devices and vices as their world burns whilst AI continued laughing. Who gives a shit about this worthless simulation, as I would rather be the one laughing at the zeroes who have allowed the spiral of materisitic insanity reach the point of ridiculousness.
  16. Paying respect to my Grandfather George, known to his friends as "Don" in the church which wears his moniker upon it
  17. Church replete with a HIV sufferer. If anything, I have the solution to such a virus that has infected my economy by having these characters on their way to a full blown case of AIDS (Actual Intelligence Death Sentence) I give them for wasting their lives coming, or more appropriately "cumming" at me as they flaunt how they have infested my city with their abuse and waste of their lives by being more concerned with denigrating other's existence as opposed to raising their own ny helping others realise they are high without the need for chemical ingestion, as to use crack only highlights the fact they are already "less than high".
  18. So unless you use my passphrases to greet me and you reside in Perthgatory, understand I despise you as you are living excrement imbued with a false sense of NPC AI consciousness. Fuck these clowns as they will never be capable of making it up to me for their crimes against lufe itself as they are incompetent fools. @SchnitzelNot sure if this is you, but since you asked, be careful what you wish for.
  19. So unless you use my passphrases to greet me and you reside in Perthgatory, understand I despise you as you are living excrement imbued with a false sense of NPC AI consciousness. Fuck these clowns as they will never be capable of making it up to me for their crimes against lufe itself as they are incompetent fools.
  20. In other words, Destruction League feel free to go to work on these clowns lest I continue to make a joke at their expense. Because ai have stuck my head so far up my own arse that everyone around me is covered in the shit they wish to portray themselves as.
  21. Thanks to my omnipresent TRANS-it security guard "Tajinder" I see along my route who put a "Greenlight" on my SM-Art Rider card and his friend with the undortunate name of "Milos" whom I hope never has seen A SerBIan Film given the fate of Milos in that movie is similiar to those who would attempt to put a hit on me in that they are better off ending themselves, their kids and ant future lineage than to try and cross me lest I put a post of their crimes here on the oontz for the world to know.
  22. Thanks for looking out for a brother. Will look into words but a clean slate is preferable for "Mac and Me" I am thinking. You earned a place in Heaven and in my favourite friends with this post my fellow MO, Mr Moogle. So feel free to Ogle MO as I live out our shared dream at the expense of fools we can laugh at together.
  23. Also it just occurred to me as "The first, the last, and the one who will always be", my initials are included in the first and last line as surrounded by a "greater than" sign on each side of every website to ever exist. Good luck changing that in any future iteration of the infinite loop.as I fuck everyone by sticking my dick head up my arse so far all I see is shit
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