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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, sounds good. Eastbay, you need to make another movie along the lines of 'Pugnocchio' except have it as the people from Team Alco in various stages of drunken shenanigans. I'd do it but have no idea how to (Yes, I am a nOOb at that stuff)
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO Is that you drinking the water in the vodka bottle on that tape??:lol::lol::lol:
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO OK, anyone want to have a decent attempt at writing something for the 'About me' section of the Myspace page? My brain isn't functioning after writing a stupid 'Project proposal' fro my econometrics class whilist drinking and having little sleep last night. 169 members and nearly 600 views already. I think it is going alright so far!!
  4. I think photoshop. Unless they finally kept some meals down.
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Damn, some nasty stuff on this page. I think you should leave the offensive gif up there so people can find it easily next time there is another person caught for beastiality (as is seeming to be the case every couple of months at the moment)
  6. Smash the Olsen twins in that shot. Is that really them or is it photoshopped?
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Use to be so easy To give my heart away But I found that the haeartache was the price you have to pay I found that that love is no friend of mine I should have know'n time after time So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Use to be so easy Fall in love again But I found that the heartache It's a roll that leeds to pain I found that love is more than just a game Play and to win but you loose just the same So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you So many years since I seal you face You will my heart there's an emty space Used to be (SOLO) So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Golden days come and go There is one thing I know I've still got the blues for you
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Man, I have been feeling crook all day today and not getting any better. Bloody don't drink Jim Beam Small batch, that stuff is poison.
  9. A movie I can recommend out of pure stupidity is Fresno Smooth. Has the classic line "Loc Dogg don't ride with no trick ass bitches" which I have been saying abit recently.
  10. This thread makes me want to vomit. At least I was called somebodys hero in it though! Please stop with the scat/shit pics. They are too gross
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO Gggggggggggggaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh! (Cue nervous breakdown) Teach me for listening to riffs in 11/16!!!!
  12. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread All I have ti say is shhhhiiiiatttt!:lol::lol::lol:
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Doesn't it just......????????????
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO Welcome to my world. This is the exact same circumstances I am in. But the fact I am fully fucken toasted off Jim Beam Small Batch tonght (after a few Corona, then a bottle of Chenin) then Evan Williams Single Barrel till that is gone, then admitted, 'FFFFFAAAAARRRRRKKKKKK!!!!!!!!' Why can I never find a drinking partner that lasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO That one is really sweet for a red though. Sweetest red I have ever tasted. Plus it is only 9% alcohol too which is a bummer, and it is meant to be served chilled. I can smash a whole bottle on my own and not even feel it, so I know she is a seasoned drinker, which could be a bad thing.
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, I was thinking the syrah, especially since I will be eating steak. I don't think the $45 bottle of JC should be cracked yet either. Maybe start off with a Chenin, then progress to the Syrah.
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, but what to drink?? That is the question? Off to get some steaks and sausages for the bbq I'm having. Hopefully there are some decent cuts left.
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO Damn I just spent the past hour cleaning. Typical of me when I know a woman is coming round. My bathroom looks spotless, cleaned the shower even!! But anyway, I might have to crack a red tonight, just so I can use the tools of the trade: Otherwise, it is gonna be the whites (Amberly Chenin or Brown Bros. Crouchen Riesling) because I know she likes them sweet. Somejuan, if you can get a hold of some Brown Bros Crouchen Riesling you should get that singer round and give her some. My old boss referred to it as a Rene Pogel bottle of wine, or if you like, a leg opener. You have to have a pretty sweet tooth to handle it, and you need a few bottles, but it has served me well in the past. But anyway, what do you out there in internet land think I should drink?? From L to R: Amberley Chenin Blanc, Brown Bros Dolcetto & Syrah, Giesen Sauvignon Blanc, Jacobs Creek St Hugo Cab Sauv, Brown Bros Crouchen Riesling.
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO Man, trust me I'm gonna be fully toasted tonight. Almost lunch time, and that means beer time!!
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Nah, it was just something I noticed today! Haha! But yeah, I say 'man' alot, to the point where some guy in high school referred to me as 'Man'. Shit was redickulous! Why would she get pissed at you? She would be glad to see one of her good friends hook up with somebody he likes, plus your mates mind would be at ease.
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Good shit man. Will be cool for you to live out of home, especially if that singer chick happens to get drunk and have to pass out at your house. *Wink wink* But anyway, I see you are just behind the boyfriend in her top friends. Wonder how long it will take for Somejuan to claim that spot eh??
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I thought you said you were broke??
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hahaha at Some1s last post. Man you shouldn't waste your time even talking to your ex, as you should be focusing all your energy on the singer!! Well, that is the advice I keep getting given about my ex. Speaking of which, my ex is coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Fuck what everyone advises me to do about her, I could care less.
  24. Re: TEAM ALCO And why haven't you posted your fave bevos on the TEAM ALCO Myspace EB? I just found out I passed my 2nd test (winged them both) for the semester. Having another beer to celebrate. Fuck marketing is way to easy!!!
  25. Re: TEAM ALCO I just make associations throughout the night whilist drinking to things I can reference to when the next day rolls around. Much the same as I do when remembering uni lectures and stuff, like that topic was the day when that chick wore that hella short skirt and shit. I'm pretty sure this is like using neuro-associations (NLP technique) albeit in a different manner.
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