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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, fuck UWA. Murdoch is where it is at. I find it funny how so many of my mates from uni live in Nedlands and surrounds and attend Murdoch. And they hate all the faggy cunts who go there and think because they attend there it is like they live in such suburbs. This doesn't include you tango, but can I ask, do you live with the parents in Cott or are you renting? I have to drive 20 mins to my mums house for tea, and am pretty much roasted. Oh well, at least I am a skilled driver and have nothgin to worry about. /no jinx
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn, I am reading from a few pages back but yeah, do that lubey shit Zero!! Crazy mad slip and slide status!! And if you wanna know the best lube, get Eros. It is the best, as my cousin who worked in a sexshop recommended it to me, and you can't imagine what it allows you to achieve. Anyway, I am half drunk, reading old posts. I have to drive to mums house for tea, so I hope she has some good food cooked.
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO My mezcal has a scorpian in it. I have had it 2 years now, and never had a reason to crack it, but my 26th might be the day, unless I hit the XO again. Ahhh, the sweet French goodness that is the Henny XO. But yeah, has anyone on here ever hallucinated from eating a worm??
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread That is fucked up. I just got a haircut, and was scammed into buying some hairproduct that cost as much as my haircut. But anyway, again, it is just a trimmed up version of the 'old mans haircut' as described in the other thread, I had to tell them to cut the back more because I was almost left with a mini mullet instead of the squared off back as I requested. Fuckin hairdressers.
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO Well there you go. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=165007257 For anyone who missed it before, the TEAM ALCO Myspace page. Go and sign up if you haven't already!!!
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO OK, but what is the difference between Mezcal and tequila? I can't remember, but I am pretty sure that Mezcal is straight form the agave plant itself or something.
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO I'm off to the beach. 4 Crown Lagers are going to be my lunch. Nothing like the liquid diet, especially since I'll be visiting my mum for tea, so I know there will be a feast in place later, plus a few brews scammed from them, haha. Hopefully there is some talent there.
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO Come on EB, with drunken posting like Somejuan just did how can he not be in the Team? The website sounds like a good idea, can you let me in on some of your plans? We need more members on the team, so you fuckers need to let me know how to get on some whore trains or whatever the fuck those things on myspace are that let you get loads of friends. Had some Skuttlebutt Shiraz Cab with tea tonight (Fillet steak of course!) at the pub (Left Bank Restraunt section). Fucken total hottie that served us, she was banging and thick in all the right places, with the cutest face. I might have to have a return visit. Good value too!!
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I think we need an alarm gif or something we can post in threads when the emos come out.
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Nice first post. But anyway, I just unlocked the Viking guitar on GH2. 5 stars on every song on medium. Bloody Psychobilly Freakout is damn hard. I could only muster 90% on that song, with a score of a little over 100K.
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread The song songs?? WTF?
  12. Re: TEAM ALCO You aren't? I am pretty sure you are! I have tried to get everyone who has contributed so far into the top friends. Edit: I moved you up the list. See what some (on topic) posting in a thread does!!
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO Check my comment on the blog. True story, especially funny when you consider that some of the TEAM ALCO members were involved.
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO Oh and I forgot to mention my mates bro won $11500 on the trots and my night was paid for. My mate $150 on roulette on the journey home, so in essence, the drinks I was shouted were paid for by the cas, hahaha!
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO Your other house? Do you mean your local?? But anyway, I have got in, played the last 2 venues of Guitar Hero (totally trashed) and got 5 stars on a few songs. But fuck those last couple of songs have hell timing changes. That is now a pre-requisite of joining the team, drunken Guitar Hero sessions are compulsory at least once a week. Is this too much to ask? Give feedback please!!!
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog&pop=1&indicate=1 The 1st TEAM ALCO blog is up ladies and gentleman. Go and check that shit!! Add to it if you want!!
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO At least you have a gf to call up tango. My casual root will be hitting the clubs. Fucken faggotty myspace won't let me login to the account to approve new requests. Fucken shit. And LC is actually more expensive from the brewery than it is in shops over here would you believe. Pale Ale is ok, but it is truely a 'poofters beer' in the truest sense of the style. There is no other beer I have tasted where I describe it to people as being 'florally'. But it still tastes alright I guess.
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO That graffiti pic should be edited to not show. If only for having my ex's name on it (drippy tag) I just got home from work, and cracked a Crown lager then jumped on here. Been invited to go out with my mate but will have nowhere to crash there, so I am kinda hesitant to drive the half hour. My ex rang today but I missed the call. Wonder what she wants? I have some exotic 18turning 19 year old from work liking me. Plus I had a yarn with the chick I actually want, but she was unsure of where she was heading tonight, as you know I would have made an appearance there. Anyway, I have no idea what to do with myself.
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Fuck casek, where did that come from? It was fucking hilarious!!!
  20. Re: TEAM ALCO The new one is 5 star. Fucking every glamour in the town is there looking for some $$. Think the Cott crowd, add 15 years to the age group (which is beneficial, just like a fine wine, you know the saying), and you have the crowd there. I never went to the old Raffles as I heard it was boiler central, and I was too young to appreciate them then. Alot of my clientel from work were there though, which was bizarre.
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO Fuck you live in cott? Damn. And double damn considering you have no booze. How you meant to be in the team when you have none of the sustinence of life? And fuck getting up for anything at 5am. I know nothign about rowing, other than my mate who attended Scotch had to do it for school.
  22. Re: TEAM ALCO And yeah, that sounds cool some1. I could have bought this magazine that was essentially a Cubase guide today, that came with a cd containing a heap of effects and shit, but was scrimping on spending another $17 on a magazine after I have blown nearly $30 on them in the past week. Stupid overpriced GuitarWorld
  23. Re: TEAM ALCO I thought so tango. The place I was referring to was the new Raffles. Not bad, but not great. Go there in a big group and you should be fine. Helps if you are 30+ too, or live in the apartments there.
  24. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread ..sporting anti-swaztika tattoos!!;) Cool song. But I should have written about the pub I went to tonight in this thread rather than the Team Alco one. But I forgot to mention that there was nothign below an 8 there. Truly fucking amazing when you consider the average age of the people there would be 30 something. Absolutely crazy.:lol::D:)
  25. Re: TEAM ALCO http://www.myspace.com/teamalco But you are down just for your screenname, haha. Hey Some1, I read your message, and that shit sounds unreal. Definitely gonna have to keep that in mind!! Ask ZeroCool about his plans, maybe you can work something out. The bar/birthday party I went to was shitty. Only stayed for 2 drinks, talked to a cool Croat chick and her German friend then bailed when my mates left, as they were speaking in foriegn tongues (probably about which one wanted to fuck me, but anyway). Maybe we should get your Cubase working so we can write a TEAM ALCO themesong!!!11
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