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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO lep, you are more than welcome, just add the Myspace profile and contribute in whatever way you want (telling storys of drunken rampages, which sounds like your St patties day) or by coming up with other shit like responding to the latest blog. http://www.myspace.com/teamalco http://blog.myspace.com/teamalco And I have gotten 35 blog views today, and only 2 responses. What is wrong with people when they can't even type up a simple reply??
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO And to what some1 said about swirling it around, if you ever did this with cognac you would know what I mean, it makes the taste that much beeter as oppossed to just swallowign it. *****But a little heads up to those who listen, every chick I have posted in the Myspace thread lately has had a TEAM ALCO friend request sent thru to them. So if you want their links, just look thru the TEAM ALCO friends list***** I'm off to bed anyway, goodnight.
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Yeah, Black code is nice. I like Emporio Armani Black though in the tube shaped bottle. What I dislike about those bottles though (same as Armani City Glam which I bought my ex) is they leak through the bottom. Got a mark on my chest of drawers (as did my ex on hers!!) from those bloody bottles leaking. Oh well!!??
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO Man, you don't have to know about wines!! If all you drink is beer, then only put what beer you like!!! But anyway, looks like Soulkillers won the top spot! Just post people!!! Takes you 2 seconds!!
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO First person to reply to the blog will get the top spot in the top friends. Ready.........go!!!
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO So on point there Some1!! Our uni tav is pretty slack at cleaning the lines, and the vast difference in taste of the Stella I have drunk around town is astounding!! But anywa y'all have to head over to the TEAM ALCO Myspace and post on the new blog as to what your favorite beverages are (I know alot of you have done it here, but go on there and post away!!) What is you beverage of choice??? - TEAM ALCO Blog!!
  7. I rebooted and the problem seems to be fixed. The button was there, but they were unclickable, and didn't highlight when I moved my pointer over them. I used those tags for the last pic I posted, but I am just slack, haha.
  8. OK, I just ran Tuneup Utilites 2007 (the one casek gave us, in German) and now I can't seem to use the buttons to hyperlink or post pics on 12oz. What is going on??? Or has my pic posting ability been taken from me for posting 'the pretzel' in the other thread??
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, that post was the result of a bender. And lack of sleep..... But I'm about to have my first beer of the day. I know, I'm slacking, but hey, I've got assignments to do!!!
  10. Googling pretzel bought this up. After what was on the last page I was unsure if to post it. Seriously disturbing.
  11. A question is, how does he break so many arms so damn realistically? I mean, I can see how 1 or 2 are faked and helped with sound effects, but the 20 or 30 he has just broken is just pure insanity.
  12. Man, I only downloaded the movie. Might have to get the rest from somewhere. One of the downsides of Australia is we get movies wayyy too late. I really wanted to see this, and it is up to the bit where he has just fought the big guy who was in Fearless. That was a good movie I watched the other night. I can recommend that also.
  13. Now there is a capoeria fight scene. Never seen that done as well as this in any other movie. Has anyone else out there seen this movie??
  14. He is now about 5 floors up and just threw somebody off!!!! Wickedestfightsceneoner!!! All appears to be done in 1 take too!!
  15. I am just watching the Protector. If you liked Ong Bak, watch this. More of the same, but with some engrish thrown in, and man, this mofo just did a firemans carry and threw someone off a 3rd floor spiral staircase!!!! Fucken madness!!!
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO I am hot as anything at the moment. It isn't snowing where I am remember!!????
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO Damn, I just signed in to the TEAM ALCO Myspace, and dayyyyyum! You should see all the hotties wanting to befriend us!! I knew this was a great idea!! Keep supporting the team!!! Rep it up and have some drinks!! Woooo woooooooh!!!
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO Damn, that isn't too bad. But anyway, I am pissed off as I went to the beach today and went in the water with my phone in my pocket. The keys still light up but I am unsure whether the screen will work again. Maybe I should lay off the boozy swimming??
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO Damn, After a few Heineken today with a friend I haven't seen in a fair while, I switched to Corona. After a whole pizza and 9 or 10 beers, I feel about to explode internally, although in my head I feel great. Might be time for sleep though. Your local has a good deal on Stella it sounds like. Exploit that shit. Why on earth would you drink a local beer with the good stuff at that price? I saw cartons at the bottlo near my ex yesterday of it for $48.99, which is as cheap as it gets (for Stella in code that I have seen anyway)
  20. Damn EGG, where do you find all these pics? I still think DEE38 had it beat with the french shit tub porn.
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO Wheres Zerocool? I haven't seen him post on here for a minute. Hopefully he hasn't has a slip and slide accident!! I'm hearing you on the budget thing, I have to do the same now my income is zilch. But hey, I can't compromise on liquor, so imports it is still gonna be for me
  22. Re: TEAM ALCO Well I only had a couple of drinks tonight. But I know where you are coming from shaolin, I have the gut and tolerance level to prove it. The best thing I find to do is to change your beverages around. Like if you are immune to beer, try spirits or wine. If you mix and match enough, you shouldn't get too tolerant to any one thing, or at least thats how it works with me anyway.
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