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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. WTF????? Is that a fish? And what is with that octopus?? Shit, this is still the nastiest thread I have ever seen.
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO Nah, I have actually cut down this week myself. Only been having a beer or 3 a night (due to assignments/conserving money). Was getting too much heartburn. Like my eating is all fucked up because of this schizo weather we have had. Now it is the weekend, I'm gonna go hard. But the advice to drink OJ the next day is bad. Everytime I do that I get crazy heartburn.
  3. Yeah, got is sussed. This video I just did that only went for like 2mins30 is like 22MB. That is gonna take a while to upload with my bloody connection. I might get premiere 2.0 in the future. This did what I wanted for the moment, but for vids like the ones you guys made I might need the newer version.
  4. Umm, if I want to save it as an avi, do I just export the video? If I do this will it have the audio attached? Damn this old program, what a waste of bandwidth!!
  5. Hmm, I have no idea, I got this one from one of caseks links, and then loaded the demonoid trackers with it. I have no idea. I have checked the About Premiere Pro thing, and it says I have version 7.0. Isn't this the old one? Ahh shit, I think I downloaded the wrong bloody one!! I can't even add titles and shit. Can you give me the link for the torrent you downloaded EB?
  6. Premiere. On Demonoid it said something about changing the date back to the year 200 for the program to work. Somethign to do with the crack I think. I might search for a patch or something, as when I changed the date back to present day (so I can still browse sites) the encoding froze on me.
  7. Thanks casek and EBPH. I have been mucking around with it, sorta figured the first part out. Yeah, getting a hang of the effects is the hard part. I am just trying to make a slideshow of photos set to music to get a hang of it. Once I have it sussed, I'll get onto making some vids for here. And is there any reason why it says the program has expired? I have to go into my date/time settgins and change it to the year 2000 for the program to work, which is annoying if I am going to sites that need cookies to find photos.
  8. Anybody got a tutorial on how to use Premiere? Shits confusing.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I just got my mind totally fucked up.
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread After a couple of beers I have been playing Guitar Hero 2 on hard. I passed every song so far, all 3 star so I have a bit of a way to go, other than Strutter which I got 98% on, which I can't believe. I can only get like 77% on Beast and the Harlot on hard, and I have practiced it a fair few times. That song is a bitch!!
  11. Don't worry, I figured it out. I didn't need an access code apparently. Installing Premiere Pro as I write this. But if you are still willing to send me one then fire away!!
  12. Anyone wanna PM me a poweriso code? I can't seem to find one. This is giving me the shits. How do I mount the .daa once I get poweriso working anyway?
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO Of course I was. You can't fake the face when the bottle is empty. As somebody who used to drink vodka straight, I know the face you pull after a big swig. It is crazy to actually consume that much at once though. Headaches for days!!:lol::cool:
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO This was from the old Babylon in Vic Park. Used to hit it up a fair amount when I was 18-19. Maybe I shouldn't really say where I go because frankie and 'his boys' are out for me:rolleyes: Anyway, the Redbull incident refers to one night at the Paramount on the balcony overlooking the beer garden. However I have seen mates repack cigars/cigarettes and get away with it many times too. Fuck that when I am out though, I just stick to liquor.
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO I'm glad they have banned smoking in clubs/bars over here. No more accidental burns to my clothes by random drunk chicks. Plus everywhere smells alot better too. As for weed, the only time I saw a mate actually light up a pipe, then bouncer came and confiscated (pocketed it for himself) his tool and bag. It is kinda funny thinking about it now, especially when I think of other times at other venues where I have seen people use redbull cans as bongs.
  16. OK, the Premiere I dld is in some .daa file. How do I get this to work?
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO Do you really think they will find you in between all the other 170+ members? Anyway, you should still join in my opinion.
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO In any case it is right away. Even if the day is a good one it isn't complete without liquor!!
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO I don't know what is worse, eating out a fat bitch or half a bottle of Capt Morgan?? I remember visiting my friend in Cairns a couple of years ago. As I had only got of the plane and had a couple of hours sleep we decided to go and buy a carton at 11am as the tropical weather required it. We then proceeded to drink the whole carton, then hit the town. We went to every venue in town (with the exception of the gay bar!) and had 1 or 2 pints at each. so after 12 beers, and an equal amount of pints, I decide that it is time to start having some cocktails with the pommy backpackers I had picked up, and proceeded to dance on the tables with. After they disappeared back to the hostel, almost unable to stand, we hollared at a cab and made our way back to my friends house, where we decided it was time for some green. Anyway, 3 buckets later, and I proceeded to run to the toilet and throw up. At which point my friend took this photo The whole next day I couldn't be in any other position than lying down without having to throw up. I managed to eat half of a meatball sub, then throw it up 20 minutes later. My friend went out the next night with his Mrs, and left me home sick on the couch. When they got home at 2am, I had only just finished being sick for the last time. The next day, we went out and did it again, but with only about half the drinking as I still felt crook. 4 days later I was still getting acid reflux, and pulled a solo mission on my last night out there, meeting up with chicks we met at the bungy park that day. After half a litre of JD's and 10 Coronas mixed with Midori Illusion shakers I felt fine. After waking up from the 3 hours sleep (5am) to goto the airport the car ride churns the grog around inside me. While checking in at the airport, I leave my bags in the line run to the toilet and cover the bowl and surrounding floor with the contents of my stomach. I feel sorry for the person who had to clean it up. It was bad. I hold on to what was left inside my guts until the very second I could remove my seatbelt on the plane when I literally ran to the toilet at the front of the plane and threw up some more. Seediest trip ever. Never felt so sick.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread How would that guy breathe? Actually I hope he doesn't, because people like that don't deserve to be alive.
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