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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    I hate that song, it is pretty hard, even on medium.
  2. Mauler5150


    I watched a 5 star expert vid of Jordan, and yes, it is insane. I don't think it is possible to 100% that song on expert. But the fact they put like 5 notes where 3 are played in reality has something to do with it.
  3. Mauler5150


    There are people on Youtube that can do it. Why does everyone say that Jordan is so hard? Is it really the hardest song? But the good thing about 'What up internet?' guy is his over under technique. I went back to playing on medium after getting up to 'Stop' on hard, and damn, it is so much slower.
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO Ratted, as in fully smashed after some alcoholic overconsumption. I hate going out as it screws my sleeping pattern.
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO I've returned home.........ratted.............
  6. Mauler5150


    Another cool thing I remember about that vid re-watching it is his use of the 'MAB over-under technique'! I have tried to do that on medium a few times and it is damn hard. One thing they should add to guitar hero in future I reckon should be another button higher up the fretboard for tapping passages, as there are sections on songs that it would be much better than just using the strum bar. I also have to wonder how people like Vai, Satriani etc would go on this game?
  7. Mauler5150


    I remember posting that link a while back. He is damn good at it, but I'd still like to see him play it on a real guitar. Now here is a question, of all the songs that have made it to Guitar Hero, which would be the most difficult to learn on an actual guitar? YYZ would be pretty hard as it has strange time sigs, but I would like to know what the hardest one would be to play in your opinions. I love this guys sense of humor though "If I didn't keep it tied down somehow...it might impregnate women!" And then smashing the control!! LOL!
  8. Mauler5150


    So Theo, since you have both consoles, which GTA4 are you gonna get?
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO When I asked her what she meant, she said, well, I don't think I have actually seen you sober before. Like this girl had to open the door for me to throw up out of on my 19th after I tried to keep up drinking with my friend who out weighed me by 70kgs among the many other times she had seen me shitfaced over the years. Bloody EB (the last time I voluntarily drank that shit stuff, it has been a good near 7 years since!!) But trust me, when I make 6 figures, I'll be drinking every night still. Believe me.
  10. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, I'll be drinking that as it is all that is in the fridge, plus I can have a few and they don't affect me too much so driving won't be an issue. And I had the 'guy who gets totally shitfaced' reputation from my younger days. A friend of a friend saw me out last year and asked what I was doing with myself. When I said school and the bottlo, she said well "I've never known anyone more suited to the job". I don't know what that says about me?
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO Hmm, double demerits and automatic lockup for drink driving. As I am deso driver for tonight, how the fuck am I meant to drink? Anyway, Corona it is for me!!
  12. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread You don't mate. USe and abuse, you can't be expected to be confronted with that at a BAR of all places!! Jts go there and act and then once you are done, tell her to get a job and find somebody who can support her there, as you aren't going to. /yes singlemumbitterness
  13. Damn EGG, where do you find those? Are those guys doing kegs stands doing it in a shit lake or something? The drips down that guys arm look disturbing.
  14. Mauler5150


    I have played real guitar for 10 years, but I still love guitar hero. Finished all the storyline missions on Scarface tonight, and only have 79% game completion. The last stage is a bitch. Will I go for 100%?? I think you must have played GH2 to death Steve Miller if you have beaten it on expert. Especially those 2 songs. Damn. I can sorta play the A7X song on expert though, I just like the solo on that song, as it has a flow, with the hammeron sweep part. I still think that medium difficulty is the best for drunken showmanship, whammy vibrato though. Anything above that is just too show-offy, and has not enough bar use.
  15. He is just standing there taking it!
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Where was I meant to find that at 7am on Good Friday? (Valerian root)
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I had a whole 2 hours sleep. I'm wide awake. Damn cricket woke me up. This shit is depressing.
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Nah, I didn't need to drink today. It wouldn't make me happy. I stopped after 2 beers. Shit gave me heartburn to go along with my heartache. I am so fucked up.
  19. Thanks to Mindvapors I got it down now. Thanks for your help anyway guys. I got Premiere working too, I had to choose a more options tab when installing to find the phone option. It is now all sweet. But I am lost for ideas though. My head has been focused on one thing, and I can't find anything creative to do. I am at a bad point due to this.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I'm glad this place is back. My weekend went from potentially being superb to absolutely fucken shithouse. If I wasn't so intelligent I'd feel like cutting myself. Shit food+shit sleep+shit weather+shit news=shit mood.
  21. OK, so I can't seem to find any iso files (only ifo) and when I have added everythign into Nero it says that "it isn't a dvd compliant disc. Please use the dvd video complilation type. I tried your method casek but that didn't work. I am using Nero 7 if that helps.
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Haha, yeah, I was waiting for the opportunity like that to present itself. Maybe Friday will be the day???
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Man, I still have 3/4 of one 100mg one I was given. I am scared to take it though, after reading about them on wiki. Take one and let me know how it goes.
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