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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    Damn, that God of War clip looks pretty good. Heard the original was a good game from a friend, but that looks sick. Is the original similar to that?
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Yeah, that papercut stuff is wild!!! How the hell do you do that?
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hmm, my night is only just beginning. After last nights effort, it is going to be tough to back it up, but we are gonna go out and hit a guido infested nightspot, and try to steal some girls from them. Hopefully find a Saturday night lover or 2, haha.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Goddamn ex playing head gmaes again. Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Maybe I should go and play Guitar Hero as I have been slacking off from it recently. Can you buy the original game without the control as I only have number 2??
  6. When I have gone to let the list in PG update it says 'Error contacting URL'. Plus it only let me use the one called dshield, the others didn't work. And why is this program stopping Youtube from downloading vids?
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Oh yeah on Epic Movie "Watching the previews for this movie I was expecting to have some good laughs. After watching the actual movie however I was extremely disappointed. 95% of the movie I didn't even have a little chuckle or a laugh. I ended up slightly laughing to some of the pathetic vulgar stuff. Even the potty humor in this movie was really really bad. ( Worse potty humor ever!) I am a pretty big fan of potty humor and immature stuff ... but what this movie had to offer was sadly disappointing with what was presented. Aside from the humor there was many rap music type scenes where the characters were participating in a lamed down style of a MTV music video... many of these scenes were unnecessary or too much and far from entertaining. They were more or less not enjoyable and far too many like them. Now to the good parts of the movie ... trust me I'm trying hard to find em! Many movies were parodied and you will probably recognize most of them and there is an occasional scene where they throw characters from other movies in for the hell of it just to have them in the movie. I also liked the rap dance scene (only one i liked) where they were doing a Pirates of the Caribbean rap dance. It reminded me of Captain Dan the Hip Hop Pirate..I wonder if they were trying to parody that guy? Well folks there wasn't much more to this movie other than a waste of time and disappointment." From an imdb review
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread This sounds liek the girl I chatted to last night. Had to do a runner from her as she was not up to scratch due to this fact alone.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I am so off my head. It isn't funny. 9 hours sleep in 3 days. I think I am dying for sleep. My mind is spinning rancidly. Found out the fat hefer girl I hate at work has a Myspace. Be prepared to be disgusted soon.
  10. Hey DETO can you upload the WWE anthology cds for me pllllleeeeaaaase!!!
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread My mate keeps getting on my case trying to get me to dl some midget pron for him as he is only on dialup. I don't think it is worth wasting my bandwidth on though.
  12. I got it from there, but it has only crappy NES graphics. But is there like an arcade emulator that i can get games for, or only nes ones?
  13. I was wanting to play an arcade perfect version of the game. I actually have the original DD on NES at my Mum's house. My mate has it on his comp, but I am pretty sure he got it from Limewire. How could I do that?
  14. Now if I could only figure out how to start the damn thing!!! Then figure out the controls!! Aaargh!!
  15. OK, so what do I do now? I download an emulator, then what? Do I get games from this site too?
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Good stuff isor. I am also your age, but damn straight I still appreciate some young poon, especially one's in those little gym shorts, or tights. I have to get back to the gym, but yeah, you have to start somewhere. I found if you do alot of reps at a light weight for a while (2 to 3 months) then if you have a training partner you can then just do a huge jump in weight and it doesn't seem all that hard. If you start heavy, you will most likely injure yourself and won't be able to train. I can't understand why people at the gym just bulk up by doing all weights with no cardio. It's the cardio training that helps you the most, as it cuts you up and lets your bedroom stamina improve. Plus if you bulk up too much it actually makes your dick appear smaller (even Arnie has admitted this), as that is one part of your body you cannot make larger with training. Think about it....
  17. Does anyone know how I can play those old ROM games using an emulator? I really want to play some Double Dragon, but have no idea how to do it, as my last effort resulted in nothing but a waste of time. And I don't want to download ROM's form Limewire (I don't have it on my comp) so a download link would be nice. You will have my eternal gratitude if you do. And I stole the pics of my ball, using the screencapture method. Thanks Seffiks.
  18. Mauler5150


    I just thought I would let you people know I have just downloaded my new ringtone from this guy. http://www.vertexguy.com/ Motherfucking Double Dragon theme on my Motorola!!!! You know whats up!!!!
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Is she smoking a joint in that pic? What did I say in the peeve thread about girls who smoke? This pic just further illustrates my point.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Haha. I actually share my birthday with Rocco. Random fact about me for the day.
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread More sex tapes? Unless she is getting reamed by a javelin or something I don't want to know. Hell even the Sreech pron had more download appeal than another round of Paris sex tapes.
  22. Well somebody knows what is up.;) Hmm, I have to make a decision, but then again, how can I bypass the diable right click option on a site I want to get photos from? There are some photos from my ball on a website that won't allow me to save them. I have tried viewing the source code then getting what I thought was the photo link and trying that address but no luck. Any ideas there? And the question worked the other way too, if I want to get the photos from somewhere, as well as put my own photos up.
  23. Is there anyway to disable people from saving my photos in my flickr account? Like I know websites sometimes have a disable right click script written into them to disable stealing of images, but are there any online photo storage sites where you can do this??
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