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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. It just gets more dramatic, by the minute. Typhoon? I think you need to PM me about the meaning of that! I put the serial number in, when prompted, when it asks your user name and company. It then said I had to verify online, which I clicked continue. Nothign was on there about a phone or anything. Fuck it, I'll unistall and try again in the morning.
  2. Arrrgh!!! I used the keygen and it gave me a code which I input. There was another thign though (something about an answer), which said 'Invalid input code' when I clicked it
  3. OK, it says I have 30 days to verify the software (for Premiere). Does this matter?
  4. The last one I had, it had all these VTS and VOB files, but I just need to open the iso with Nero? Sounds simple, I'll let you know how it goes (when the torrent finishes in 2 days!)
  5. Haha. Nah, already been there done that, tried to go back, but she wouldn't have it, just wants to be friends now (I think because she realises how much NLP I use on her and she doesn't like it). Plus she knows I was with a chick from uni last week, which is kinda weird. What I found strange was that I had my torrent running (it was getting decent speeds) and Firefox wouldn't load anything (neither would IE) which is why I messed with the settings initially. So I closed utorrent and then when I restarted it it wouldn't connect to many peers like before. Anyway, I'll leave it on while I sleep, and I might need a hand to tell me how to burn the ISO files in order as the last time I did it (CYE Season 5) I fucked it up. Why are porn rips so easy to burn yet anything else is a bitch??
  6. Mauler5150


    I have picked up Scarface again. I have finally acquired all the properties, and now have to goto the islands. I have done about 75% of the game, which isn't bad in 25 hours, considering I spend most of my time killing gangs so I can safely do drug deals.I was fucken pissed off when I had to launder $20 mill and fucked the timing up and got stung with a 31% bank charge. This game is under-rated I reckon, and I still hope the Ai in the next GTA for non human controlled players is close to the driver in this game.
  7. I'm downloading that Premiere, thanks Sporto. I had to turn my modem off then on to trick Rapidshare and stop the 112 minute wait I had. Should be here in about 30 minutes or so. The bad thing is that my torrent has now lost all the connections, hopefully this time it connects to a few more. In case you are wondering what I am trying to get, it is called 'The Secret', it is some dvd my friend wanted as she reckons it is good. Just some positive thinking thing I am pretty sure.
  8. No Firewall, I use peerguardian, but that makes it slow down/ No router, just a straight modem. I'lll change the port number. The guide Casek gave me said to enable DHT. The Green icon has always been there. The only thing I really had to change was the incoming legacy connections setting. Thanks for your help, hopefully I can connect to a few more peers and get some better speeds.
  9. So can anyone give me advice on setting up utorrent to work a little better? I'm only connecting to 3 out of 43 seeders, and 15 out of 150 leechers (and a few of these leechers have most of the file already) but am only getting really low download speeds. Maybe I should search for another tracker to add to it?
  10. cool, i might do that. Plus I had the older version anyway (7.0) so this one migth be a bit better. I just wish that this torrent would go a bit faster.
  11. I know that. I am downloading a torrent of something else (a dvd) for a friend of mine.
  12. Can someone give me some advice to setup my utorrent to get maximum performance. Like I Fucked with the max. no of connection settings, and now I am only connected to about a third as many peers as before, and am getting slow download speeds. It wouldn't be from having a .5 Demonoid ratio would it? Also what the hell is this DHT thing? Should I have it enabled or disabled? Because someone told me to have it disabled to have my ratio stats updated on Demonoid and other trackers.
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO I still wanna hear a bootleg of 'Vagina Song'.
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO http://www.myspace.com/teamalco Thats the one. Feel free to let me know who you are though, as I have been getting all these random ads tonight, look at the above for an example. If your name is Bruce1nr or something I'll know it is you.
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO Cool. In the meantime, this 44 y.o. Canadian paranormal photographer sent me a friend request to the TEAM ALCO myspace. Shoudl I accept her?
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO I'd like to see what you could whip out in more than a minute EB. That looks not half bad, but alco hell was where I was at last Saturday methinks. Not so much today. /nohomo.
  17. Re: TEAM ALCO So how did the gig go? I woulda hit the party, if only to take pics of said idiot with the sunflower costume to embarass on 12oz liek the woman who died in EB's thread.
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO Had a bottle of red tonight. It is Windshaker 2004 Shiraz. It isn't too bad, but hasn't hit me like I thought it would. It is also pretty sweet for shiraz which I am not used to, but this is only noticeable since I am on the very last sip now. It went well with the nice steak I had for dinner.
  19. Mauler5150


    Fucking great game. I still have that on my NES. Here is a vid of the top 10 most anticipated games of 07. Bit old now as there is no GTA4 footage, but anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqvWxpf01nY&NR=1
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread teh womenzorz. how else? Don't know what to do with myself at the moment other than drink the last 3 beers in the fridge.
  21. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD It could be from Superman, but as I haven't seen it I wouldn't know.
  22. What....in...the.....hell...is......that??
  23. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD What is this from? Have they just did a real good edit or something, or am I out of the loop?
  24. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD You can see her teeth rip at him as she spits him out. I don't blame him. What pron is that?
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