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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread And happy birthday Magnum...
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I don't blame you for laughing with your mates. The guy is obviously retarded if he didnt know where that quote was from. In sadder news, my copy of Commando is fucked up. At the end fight scene where Matrix is shot in the arm, it starts to go all fucked up for some reason. And to think of all the awesome dialogue in that part too!!:lol:
  3. Fucken I am jealous of drunkeness tango!! I might have to have some wine!!!
  4. And the 5150 in my name comes from the name of an alcoholic musicians studio, which is named 5150. That certain muso is one Edward Van Halen. When he was drunk and angry, he made his best music. Check out Fair Warning and there isn't many guitar players that can touch what he did on that album.
  5. It isn't my video, it was some chick I knows friends. The silly fucker skulls half a litre of scotch or some shit. All I know is it made me feel sick watching it Try that if the other link didn't work.
  6. It took a while for it to load for me too. One of the other vids they posted shows some idiot lighting his balls on fire, and the guy who sculled the Scotch looking rather seedy walking to the sink (to spew maybe). Pretty bad, hahaa.
  7. A friend of mine sent me this video of her friends drinking. I can't imagine how sick this guy was after this, as Ballantines tastes yuck from what I remember of it.
  8. Whatever it is it looks nasty IOU. Does it say what %alc it is??
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread You in the new place yet tango??
  10. Champion status AyeBee. I just drove to get some lunch, and this hot blond was getting into her car as I was driving past and I sprayed her with the puddle that was on the road!! It was classic driving off seeing her waving her arms at me in my rear view mirror, hahahahah!
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn I see some pics of some freaky animals on here. There is a pretty wild storm outside at the moment.
  12. Re: Buff my stiffie with this pile of old peanuts. Hard. No homo.
  13. My results come out tomorrow, so I might hang off gettting smashed until then. Whether they are good or bad, either way, it will be time to get smashed.
  14. Is that you in that poster CELT??
  15. Haha, I am stuck on the second day when the bloody Osamas raid the church!! All I needed to do was move some .exe file from the hack to the main folder to get it to run. It was pretty simple actually, I should just read the txt files more often.
  16. Postal 2. I felt like seeing what all the fuss was about (ie, why it is banned here) and it isn't that bad really, other than taking a piss on a decapitated body. Apparently I can go to jail for having this game in my country.:lol::lol::lol:
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread My guts are rumbling. I don't think I ate enough pizza. I am going to bed to resume tomorrow.
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread WTF?????? Seriously!! The dead man lives on!!
  19. Hahahahahhahahaah! I am so roasted. my brother got pissed off at me for playing 'The Wall' too loud. Weak fucker he is. I figured out the game, been playing for the past couple of hours. Not bad, but not great.
  20. So couldn't be fuckeded. Been playing Postal, but my screen has better resloution than the game offers. Oh well, it still looks ok anyway. Had enough beers now...
  21. O know that feeling (only too damn well!!) Cheer sfor the link, hopefully it works. 3 hours of solid beer drinking can do that to you. I am on my 5th hour, but haven't been going THAT hard. Oh well, time to step it up.
  22. thanks casek. Will give it a crack once I am not so damn drunken......
  23. Halfway thru number 10 and still undecided as to whther to go out. This weather is looking shit, so I so can't be bothered.
  24. I downloaded a game, but it won't let me play it without a cd. I used PowerISO to mount the setup.exe and install it, however when I run it it won't work. Anyone have any ideas??
  25. At least you had a good trip away!!! $20 for 2 pizzas delivered sounded good at the time, and I am saving half for lunch tomoz, as it is too expensive otherwise, hahaha! Number 9!!!
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