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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. hahaha some1. Don't tell me you were drinking tequila? I was thinking of having wine for my dinner, you think some Chenin Blanc would go down well?
  2. That is an ice cube on its side....:p
  3. I think you meant 'Earn' some1. I feel a little shady myself. I guess that beer at 7:30am wasn't the best idea...
  4. Well I have beat up a few vaginas in my time, so if you beat me up then they would still be losing the war. You just need to try more beers man, even my brother (who hates drinking) will drink Corona.
  5. I saw a porn of a girl shoving a Sky vodka bottle up her butt. That put me off that specific vodka, as this chick was freaky. But Corona is gay with lime, give me lemon anyday. I like Corona as I can have 10 and still feel right to drive. That Smirnoff Citrus twist used to have a green label when it was sold here years ago. I was 16 and got my mum to grab me a bottle and drank the whole thing straight. I had only been that sick a few times prior, and I swore to never drink that shit again. But a man who doesn't like beer is a vagina, sorry to say AyeBee.... That is almost as bad as saying you don't like boobs.... Seriously.
  6. Aaarrrrgh! Those pics of pallets of beer gave me terrible flashbacks!! Having to unload 2 or 3 a day for a couple of years has fucked consequences for the state of your back and body. Especially with the dramatic variances in temp between a cool room and a loading bay.
  7. Arrrrrgh, this beer, has made me unable to sleep. I crave more of the cold fresh goodness....
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Haha, I am the same. But mine help me take tests ;-) Anyway, I am setting my Bubb Rubb to go off early tomorrow so I can get up and hopefully do some study so I don't fail this unit, woooo woooooooo!!!
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn, youse are cranking the pills. I just found out I have my supp exam at 9:30am next Thursday. So that means my 1PM wakeup has to change. Hence I will be on the codeine now, as I have a few in my medicine cabinet.
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I went on a school camp at a cave in Yallingup back in the day. Abseiled 60m down into the fucker then spent the next hour or more (I can't remember that far back at the moment) going thru the cave. it was fun, and there were some tight spots, even though it was a public cave.
  11. Ewwww St angnes is gross!! Get the one in a blue box that is french, I cna't remember the name as I am drunk, but for $2 more it is 10x better!!!
  12. ahh I am only on bloody Tooheys New. I think I just finished my last one. I have Carlton Draught in the fridge, but am thinking of moving to the Beam small batch. Could be a fatal change though.......
  13. haha nice work it is only beer weather because you are inside, outside is fuckgin freezing!! onto my 4th, and after eating fuckk all for tea, it is hitting me with a slight buzz, which is fucking great!!!
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Pet Show One day my dad came home and said there was going to be a big pet show in our town. "That's brief!" I said. "I'm sure battlecat will win." battlecat is our pet dog. She is really smart. She can do lots of tricks. She's very good at shaking arm and jumping through dirty magazines. Her favorite food is chips. It's the only thing she'll eat. On the day of the pet show, I got up early and washed battlecat and tied her favorite skinny leg jeans around her neck. She looked fast. I couldn't believe all the pets at the show. On one side of us there was a big cat. On the other side was a chinese poodle. At that point the judges came by. We showed them how battlecat can balance a Steve on her penis. The judges were very impressed. At the end of the day, the first prize went to a big weasel with red stripes. But battlecat got a white ribbon for being the most shitty dog at the show.
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hahah! Chauffeur to pay for rent eh? Maybe I should move in, hahahahaha. Just kidding, I hate driving, it gives me the shits.
  16. Yeah, forget thinking like that Ayebee!! That was my line of thinking until a couple months ago, and it drove me insane. But anyway, the beer won the war, and I forgot how tasty a nice cold beer was after my little hiatus.
  17. And what troubles somejuan?? Umm yeah, I have been taking it easy the past couple of days to let my tolerance lower a little. I also haven't been eatinf SFA either, so the next time I drink it is gonna wack me..
  18. So you like the Stoli Almost Free? That shit is my favorite, I dunno, what I am going to start drinking tonight, bourbon shots vs beer? Or maybe wine?? Help deciding please!!
  19. That sounds like a hella good deal EBPH! But wouldn't it go flat pretty quick?
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Yeah, I can relate, but smoking is shit, I agree with EastBay, you should stop that shit, especially since you are training. I'm getting pissed off at wasting half a day, not waking up til 1PM, what is with this shit. Anyone got any ideas of how to start waking up earlier??
  21. Wine style. CDW = Classic Dry White FDW = Fresh Dry White
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Good luck MAR, heres hoping it goes well.
  23. Hah, the Kaiser Stuhl!! We used to use Kaiser as a code for taking a shit back in the bottlo days!! I'm guessing FDW, the green box, am I right?
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