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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I was going to catch up with @tango 24back in the day at the Hip e Club I posted yesterday in the pies (feet!?!?) thread. Only oontzer I met was EBPH but have met a few people from other forums and tumblr at various locations around this planet. We had a great time as I am sure EBPH @*42could attest.
  2. Way back in the day when AC/DC used to play here adjacent to the highway to hell itself (Canning Highway) My auntie used to be a barmaid here
  3. @LUGRI sent it to my mum I decided to stop off and have a dress on the way to my massage so I thought I'd take some pics for you to show you how this is changed for the worse
  4. In other words fuck the Darwin kernel Is all I see is I'm surrounded by unevolved Unloving hateful monkeys And for what it's worth I will continue to peruse my analytics from time to time and haven't seen any corpse notifications and show up I will be happily posting the fucking UUIDs and PIDs along with amy descriptors involved to identify these murdering tamperers
  5. Rather than hijack @Schnitzels Darwin thread I will just post this bullshit analytics to show how fucked this world is as I am targeted with “stackshots“ and am turned into a corpse alongside the living dead in this world chedPriority":4},"662484":{"id":662484,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":7803,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadIdleWorker"],"user_usec":47207,"basePriority":4,"userFrames":[[13,1388496048],[13,2316813448]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0.047207082999999997,"waitEvent":[2,15864568348910093715],"continuation":[1,4635304],"lastRunTime":10.528361291,"systemTime":0.0078036249999999998,"schedPriority":4}},"pageFaults":25334,"jetsamCoalition":320,"userTimeTask":2.4993464159999998,"pid":195,"processUptime":200000,"flags":["darwinBG","dirty","isDirtyTracked","allowIdleExit","sharedRegionSystem"],"residentMemoryBytes":9879984}, "200" : {"timesThrottled":0,"csFlags":570434305,"pageIns":127,"systemTimeTask":0.354298791,"rawFlags":"0x4C080041","waitInfo":["thread 2919: mach_msg receive on port set 0xdc2a44da2f2e5303"],"timesDidThrottle":0,"csTrustLevel":7,"procname":"deviceaccessd","copyOnWriteFaults":88,"threadById":{"2919":{"id":2919,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":10530,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kHasDispatchSerial","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadTruncatedBT","kThreadFaultedBT","kThreadMain","kThreadTruncUserBT"],"user_usec":6847,"basePriority":4,"dispatch_queue_label":"com.apple.main-thread","userFrames":[[13,1388496680]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0.00684725,"continuation":[1,128536],"lastRunTime":8800.7662521660004,"systemTime":0.010530790999999999,"schedPriority":4},"665019":{"id":665019,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":76,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadIOPassive","kThreadIdleWorker"],"user_usec":0,"basePriority":4,"userFrames":[[2,0]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0,"waitEvent":[2,15864568348910268067],"continuation":[1,4635304],"lastRunTime":0.49550483299999998,"systemTime":7.6582999999999995e-05,"schedPriority":4},"661968":{"id":661968,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":3939,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadIdleWorker"],"user_usec":1046,"basePriority":4,"userFrames":[[13,1388496048],[13,2316813448]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0.001046125,"waitEvent":[2,15864568348885300603],"continuation":[1,4635304],"lastRunTime":0.49621433300000001,"systemTime":0.0039394579999999998,"schedPriority":4}},"pageFaults":7694,"jetsamCoalition":330,"userTimeTask":0.242929916,"pid":200,"processUptime":200000,"flags":["darwinBG","isDirtyTracked","allowIdleExit","sharedRegionSystem"],"residentMemoryBytes":3047856}, "201" : {"timesThrottled":0,"csFlags":570434305,"pageIns":829,"systemTimeTask":0.124923375,"rawFlags":"0x4C080041","waitInfo":["thread 2927: mach_msg receive on port set 0xdc2a44da2f2e6803"],"timesDidThrottle":0,"csTrustLevel":7,"procname":"assistant_cdmd","copyOnWriteFaults":102,"threadById":{"2927":{"id":2927,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":10043,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kHasDispatchSerial","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadMain"],"user_usec":12824,"basePriority":4,"dispatch_queue_label":"com.apple.main-thread","userFrames":[[13,1388496680],[13,1388510544],[13,1388510108],[13,48142284],[13,48139896],[13,48137656],[13,27782912],[13,27782612],[95,35564],[95,33212],[13,677100852],[2,0]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0.012824583000000001,"continuation":[1,128536],"lastRunTime":15.174100916,"systemTime":0.010043333,"schedPriority":4},"664505":{"id":664505,"state":["TH_WAIT"],"system_usec":14,"qosRequested":"QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT","schedFlags":["TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED"],"snapshotFlags":["kUser64_p","kThreadDarwinBG","kThreadIOPassive","kThreadIdleWorker"],"user_usec":0,"basePriority":4,"userFrames":[[2,0]],"qosEffective":"QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND","userTime":0,"waitEvent":[2,15864568348905919299],"continuation": Oh the QOS is absolutely fuxking shit as the service is completely fucked.
  6. If you ever come West happy to catch up for a beer somewhere and I promise to limit My consumption so My madness is obfuscated to where it would remain undetected by the wife and kids. I would suggest either Frazers in Kings Park or somewhere in Elizabeth Quay as the venues that are the most family appropriate from a locals perspective but since I am out of the going out to get pissed game for the most part I could still find a place close by to whatever metro suburb you could be in.
  7. Show your Son Airwolf and school him about My favourite TV show when I was a kid.
  8. Pizza is called Mary had a little Lamb(orghini) and Matt was the one to give it to her. I changed the onion for ham though as onions are shit.
  9. Lunchtime. have work tomorrow and an induction for another company on Tuesday and will follow the lead of some colleagues who whore themselves to a few companies and select the people I wish to work with day to day. Loyalty doesnt exist in todays gigabyte based society so now I am all for Me Me Me as I am afflicted with the selfcentred selfish “Miner“ disease that affects all residents of WA
  10. Also anyone who hasn't tried acai should as it is fucking incredible albeit extremely expensive for what it is
  11. Way too much south in the wind and I pretty much did 100 m to the teacher five minutes and it's just it's just completely fucking washing machine out there's a worth it they're good for a paddle but yeah 75013863032__9252B65E-33A3-4323-A562-D54A1AE151A4.MOV
  12. I do My best to eat healthy these days Is that super I'm sure and I have no leash so I will mlre likely spend more time swimming than surfing but this is lunch and I take Channel Zero with Me 75013760817__FEF183AC-E993-4280-8537-D91ADF129BFB.MOV
  13. Decided I'm going for a surf after all No I'm on the right side of the stringer in that the left And a 5150 is equal to 6282 in My language Obviously Divina images from the water because my dad has my GoPro and also because I have no one else to film me
  14. After making an hour and 15 minute long rant I recorded as I walked to North Beach from Scarborough Which I may upload to YouTube and link back for your amusement I'm now going about the task of the day starting with eating the neighbourhood ho Strawberry in My acai.
  15. I left one of The soul was at the mountain bike park as it was on my roof sitting on the solar panel as I show the son what it's guilty of. In line with the Scriptures I decided to let My brother Archangel Michael soul free if I only because MJ had 45 on these Originally and even the weight of my number on his back was too much for the greatest of all time. Save for the 55 dropped Madison Square Garden, Which coincidentally was where I witnessed the only live NBA game I ever watched in person The highlight of which when I was there receiving MC Gusto himself a.k.a. Chris Rock in person.
  16. These were pristine 2011 Jordan XI concords which had been on ice and have been worn maybe 5x total prior to wearing them this year only for both soles to come off and Me deciding they are fuxking worthless as I wore them soulless. The supposed Greatest shoe of all time according to Complex which I viewed as such in having an OG pair in 1996 only for this to happen is resplendent of Nike’s downfall in quality over that time and any clown in the sneaker reseller game is a pure example of the worst kind of human that exists. I should take out the soul from the bag just to show you how pure and clean and preserved the shoes actually were before I rolled them in mud because of this utter shit happening This was something that occurred in the time whereby I couldn't post over the past month or two any images of what was going on yet now that's no longer an issue I'm happy to broadcast my dissension in respect of a $300 shoe failing after 10 wears irrespective of the fact that the shoe is nearly 13 years old
  17. well thank you for pulling me up on my own foolishness. I own my role as the fool as what else is a jester but a fool? The question is could I have a be big a fool as Diddy? This video is worth watching I found interesting when I watched it ages ago.
  18. The the slang of today is just pure brain rot even though I understand it all I would prefer to use 2006 Memes speak because it would require me to go full retard if I was to use the slang of the past five years and as we know I'm only half retard and would never go full retard like the teens of today.
  19. and I couldn't make this up even if I tried yet if it does happen again I'll do my best to pull my camera out and start recording to try and prevent any further instances of these curry munching trolls from harassing me. My favourite pastime though is when I see them walking around trying to illicit spells with their munna munna language I just put my phone into my ear start speaking English as clear as possible whilst I say "you are not fucking talking to anyone so stop pretending you fucking fool and if you're going to pollute the audio spectrum with that shit fuck off back to India or do something productive with your fucking time. I would tell my wife who is Indian to do the same if she was dribbling as much shit as you" as I indemnify myself from doing anything beyond speaking truth.
  20. legitimately I had to take a shit in a bucket the other day after eating Thai food and when I actually dropped it off in the bushland some random Indian pulled up beside me stopped his car and was waiting for who the fuck knows what so I pulled my van out off the side of the road wound down my passenger window said "I was hanging a piss what the fuck do you want?" to which he responded "I'm just looking for someone" at which point I drove off to allow him to effectively collect and eat my excrement.
  21. https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Asari if only I thought where my Darth Vader cowl when I was blue I woulda look like this with said I'm stoked to have VIP and to be able to post images again because of comedy like that which went unrecorded due to me having no place I cared to upload it to whereas all happily play the jester of Channel0 if it keeps you yanks entertained due to my fearless mockery of the serious society I find myself within.
  22. I was just thinking about that time painting myself blue to become an Asari however this was me actually using Uber lube on the wheel nuts of my van so that Indian Uber eats drivers could suck my nuts as opposed to eating my arse
  23. The funniest part about this educational video is there one day ago when this was posted I was playing the Charvels of SatchELl from Steel Panther that my uncle has and it was one of the best guitars that I've ever played just saying.
  24. Given the recent mention of lubes in this thread I will just warn everyone who attempts to use Uberlube that it eats paint from a test I ran. Might be something to consider if you are seeking to get Diddy with it
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