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Everything posted by IRONHEAD

  1. bad news travels the fastest. many times faster than good news. embarassing.
  2. yeah that is true. man ill never forget my first squad leader. his first words to me were. "i fucking love this uniform and as long as you are mine you will do the same, and if you dont you will do your best to make me think you love it. if icatch you making it look bad, we will have problems." haha. we got along great.
  3. thats fucked up on so many levels man. im not a squad leader or anything but i guarantee my platoon woulda fucked his ass up. i missed out on the wall to wall era. i would have been very happy.
  4. i have a big fucking ipod man. i just put it on shuffle. i dont think every song has played once. it doesnt recognize a song unless you play it all the way through. looks like "flogging molly-black friday rule" has played the most though.
  5. excellent point. "1sg my performance is a direct reflection of my leadership." nothing pisses an nco off more or makes one happier if you say this.
  6. i am a soldier. some people are fucked in the head. that isnt a regular thing. its a shame thats the things that get recognition. but fuck it, thats how it goes i guess. sidenote. i work in a hospital in southern iraq right now. there was an iraqi man going around throwing propane bombs into other iraqi's houses. you dont know how many burnt up kids we have gotten because of it. saved more than a few of those lives that would have otherwise been lost. caught the guy. but you hear about some asshole blowing up dogs and stupid shit like that. ppssssh. thats how it works.
  7. eat a dick. there was no begging.
  8. they say prison food is bad. they say the military food is bad. military prison food is terrible.
  9. what about race jokes? white people like race jokes. maybe its just me
  10. i always hated to stand out because of something as trivial as material posessions. it took me awhile to realize this but people who have nothing to offer feel they have to dress a certain way to look "cool" and fit in with some group. same way with music and shit. its the whole clothes make the man argument i guess. wear whatever. its really not that serious.
  11. Re: has any one noticed that spanish television has way hotter babes then english does???? you mean my nut.
  12. i think so. she did in that xray thread too.
  13. Re: has any one noticed that spanish television has way hotter babes then english does???? hello? no way you beans are more awesome than me. click.
  14. damn, i just saw a bloodlet 7inch on the see your vinyl thread. they were awesome.
  15. cro-mags were the shit. ive never been totally up on what is classified as hardcore, or metal, thrash, speed metal, punk? i call it all hardcore. but people are obsessed with putting everything into genres, and micro-genres. i have been listening to alot of disfear lately. call it what you want. it rips off faces. and anything that rips off faces is cool to me. old school mosh pits! fuck the little circles they have now for people to run across do some ninja move or some shit. i always wanted to see dead kenedys though. never got a chance to.


    hit it man. just handle it the right way.
  17. ja rule came out to germany a few years ago with the mwr. he did a little run with the troop command. it couldnt have been more than two miles. he was puking his brains out. funny shit. he's a little guy. not much taller than 5'5". its dark and hell is hot was a good album. dmx went to shit after that. finland is great. they are serious about their vodka.
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