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Everything posted by IRONHEAD

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iraq, you are a desert. and knowing that i figure youd always be warm. you snowed on me the other night, and i was cold. my balls were like little frozen peas. and for that i hate you. you bastard. -gf
  2. theres a few people on here that i really enjoy reading what they say. the im in ur/orly thread. that one picture koh posted with the mexican guy that said "im n ur country....takin ur yobz" or some thing to that effect. was that this year? what year was porkchop?
  3. bloodfart we could have fun. youre a gay black man when you drink. im a russian kgb guy. odd situations would arise and you would be all chill with it. i would get violent because thats what the kgb does. someone would get hurt. it would be spectacular. then we would giggle.
  4. back home i eat there once a week. the day before i left texas i had 5. off day. i usually can put 6 down, maybe 7. i am going to die in mcdonalds. and i am content with that. besides thats pretty fucking close to the american dream anyway.
  5. i miss watching prairie dogs run around yapping. because they were fun to watch.
  6. happy birthday killer. i salute you on another year you have lived without being mauled to death.
  7. i miss mtv. because they used to play music.
  8. i miss minor threat and fugazi. because they rocked.
  9. i miss hannah barbara cartoons because the stuff they put out now a days is shit. how am i supposed to veg out on the couch, hungover and watch dragonballz all day?
  10. are you doubting our governments corruptness. ill have you know sir, we are very corupt.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear randomhero, you get no homebrew. and im sure youd love some. and i get no tamales. and id love some. life is not fair my friend. not fair at all. feeling your pain -godforbid we get some fucking beer and tamales
  12. i miss the alien lizards. they are splendid little creatures. i kill them in my mind. when im drunk. no drunkeness. no alien lizards. part of me IS dying.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, i want some of them tamales man. give em' up. god"tamale envy" forbid
  14. i think i need to temporarily trade my membership to team alco to team sleep. seeing as though i cant drink for 15 months. at least thats what they say.
  15. trained killer with endless access to weapons can be easily transported to any part in the world. i like that. it has such a nice ring to it.
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