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Everything posted by DeweyVonGumpsteinAndTheWiz

  1. the reason i did NOT suggest ambien, is because this shit mixed with angeldust most likely isn't going to make your ass sleep. you will however... be running around naked doing 'sparkle hands' and 'magic fingers'. speaking of which... just get super dusted mero... it's gonna be ok.
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread bums are cool, you fucking jew.
  3. don't tell anyone i have a job though. this late night thread action needs to be kept hush hush, or else my channel 0 fan base will revolt when they find out that i'm employed.
  4. i wear the air chingo ostrichlator boots.
  5. i am not a hippie or a junkie. however, the ladies tell me that i am very HUNKY.
  6. wan wan wannnnnnnnn (annoying sound that i make when i'm making fun of something you say)
  7. haha what a cool job you must have. pfffffffff. fuckin steel worker/mall security officer.
  8. tony little is fuckin coked outta his gord
  9. down south? try everywhere. and living down 'south', i know that there are not any more croakers here than there are out west or up north. and ordering valium online is actually the only drug to order online which you have a chance of actually recieving. i'd love to see someone try to order oc's online thinking they':scrambled: re going to connect with em. ha!
  10. i still can't fuckin sleep tonight.
  11. well mero... you ever seen requiem for a dream? come down to florida homie, we'll get some sticks and zone out while watching hurricanes tear shit up.
  12. haha yep. dude, my last french-fry related incident went something like this... (and i was informed of this by my girl while i was just entering rehab after getting out of jail...) anyways, i got hemmed up for some drug related bullshit... and the day i landed myself in jail, i had the apartment keys on me and my girlfriend left her set at home on accident. she was at work and when she got off work to go looking for me, she stopped by the apartment and no one answered. she thought i overdosed and was freaking out. then she noticed my bike wasnt there, so she stopped by this 'boutique' that i had just got a part time job at (and i only got a job there because it was a super good rack and i wanted first access to some fresh gear in a spot that was too small to be playing louie lightfingers at in the first place) so... anyways, she stopped by the boutique and asked if they'd seen me (it was my first scheduled day) the owner told her that i showed up and was acting all crazy and knocked over a display then got on my cellphone and straight up walked out during my orientation shift and walked around the corner to my bike and just rode off like it was no big deal... i don't even remember applying at that fucking job, let alone working or leaving... thats what eating a large order of fries and footballs while already zooted on some oscar corleone will do to ya.
  13. i like how you call the french fries sticks... eat some THEN go racking. that's always fun. btw, you're in the city that never sleeps man.
  14. here are some PGW pointers: 1.) stay up as long as you can. fuck 5 or 6 am... go until noon...then keep going. stay awake until about 9pm, you'll feel super shitty... but pass out. you might trick your body into rescheduling and waking up at a decent "normal human" hour. 2.) get a prescription for valium and adderal. take a valium at night and zonk out early. then wake up and rail some adderal and be on the game. drink with redbull. 3.) motivate yourself. make plans to meet a hot ass girl at like 11am, or wake up to go racking. make some money. the money will keep you waking up to add height to your stack of benjies. 4.) get a new outfit, and a crisp fade. give yourself something to look forward to. clean crisp appearance will put you in a better mood to rise and shine. 5.) realize how fucking pathetic it is to sleep in past noon when you're not dopesick.
  15. i used to have that problem... one day, grey told me that i was a piece of shit for sleeping in so late(i was going to bed at about 5 or 6 am and sleeping until about 6 or 7pm at night)... then he called and woke me up to go racking at like 10am. sleeping in late really fucks up your hustle, because most shops in metropolitan areas close at 8 or earlier. i WAS on drugs at the time, but yeah... waking up at 7pm thinking its 7am sucks. it especially sucks when you wake up and realize you only have one 80 left and the stores close in less than an hour and you need to make your loot, but you're freezing cold because the opiates have left your system and you're even colder because you're crashed out on a mattress in the TL and the heat is not working in the building so you had to use a space heater, and it's pouring rain outside and you know rain fucks up your game so you gotta umbrella your lizzy, but still...
  16. theres a difference from "sleeping" in jeans and "passing out" in jeans. i pass out in jeans on the reg.
  17. mero... you vouch for him and i might retract my original comment.
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