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Everything posted by DeweyVonGumpsteinAndTheWiz

  1. thank you hal. -iwearpinkshirts/icedoutmocha/popgunwar/highsociety
  2. "b"? no one named "b" gave me my first morphine pill. my first pill wasn't even morphine. but thanks for the bday wishes.
  3. i love dakidmero... hahaha his replys always have me laughing.
  4. the only good song in that movie quality of life was when he flips out and does all that coke and hijacks the taxi and beats up abhor in the alley
  5. the final countdownnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
  6. was your tattoo published in one of his books or printed in a strip of his? which maakies tattoo was yours? i painted a freight for him a while back and he mailed me some original art and an original strip so it was pretty fresh. then we collaborated on a project and when i was talking to him on the phone he's like, "hold up i gotta take some more vicodin my wife won't shut up." the dude is like 60 something hahaha.
  7. thanks for the maakies pics... tony millionaire is a friend (and fuckin lunatic), so seeing other people hype the maakies is awesome. also, zerocool just sent me the funniest private message that i have ever recieved. hahaha. i'd repost it on here but, nah. hahahaha.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread ive never really posted in this before is this like aim for 12oz? fuckin chatroom. hahahahahahaa lol omgz asl?
  9. dude i was looking at this flick right when that song "the final countdown" by europe started playing. pretty fucking epic and perfect audio/visual combo right there.
  10. tease... do you have any scarface posters in your apartment? i'm just curious. you seem like the kinda dude who would have those.
  11. i dunno how you could say the northwest sucks? what the fuck man the northwest is the place to be. if it weren't for extradition, i would be there now. but no, i'm stuck in the south...
  12. im not puerto rican, but thanks... i most likely WON'T be smoking marijuana or drinking hennesy... but i can promise you i will be doing illegal shit.
  13. one of my friends owned a skateshop in colorado, and ended up buying a few houses in upstate new york... and now he is out in sf spending all his money on booze pills and scratch tickets.
  14. i heard a certain writer owns a nice big property in sf, and lives off the $$$ that it brings in. must be nice.
  15. im already set... but it's going to be very lax when we get hitched. that's for sure.
  16. her parents already told her they'd buy us a house when we get married... and their house is 4.5 mil, so i know they'd drop a pretty penny on their first born daughter. i'm pretty stoked about that.
  17. im sorry..."downtown orlando" sounds pretty silly... because "downtown" here is like the burbs elsewhere. it's a nice area though on the 27th floor.
  18. my girl's parents are thinking about buying her a new 280k apartment in downtown orlando... and if they do, im moving in.
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