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Steve Miller

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Everything posted by Steve Miller

  1. awesome. a flying unicorn dolphin with elephantitis.
  2. Ghost in the Shell and Heavy Metal on vhs for 2 bucks has been one of my favorite scores thus far. also managed to snag original pressings of Wasted Youth and T.S.O.L records for a dollar a piece.
  3. creepy chan, peeing in butts (with funnels), wet t-shirt/ass contests (fuck yeah catface), rabbit dildos
  4. THIS. and i'm going to have to jump on the Big L wagon here.
  5. a crooked ass awesome face and green day lyrics. good fucking god.
  6. propagandhi- i'd rather be flag burning 10" split with i-spy, where quality is job #1, letter of resignation anal cunt - morbid florist on blue. uzi suicide- s/t, born against - s/t man is the bastard - a call for consciousness split with born against. allman brothers - eat a peach. if you can find a copy of this album, don't sleep on it. double lp. sides 2 and 4 equal 30+ minutes of live action called "mountain jam." i'll find a better picture my camera is shit and i have a hand as steady as michael j. fox. don't mind the lizard comforter . you'd understand if you smelled my other one.
  7. anal cunt - you went to see dishwalla and everclear (you're gay)
  8. hell yeah. one of my personal favs. i think i'll put the record on.
  9. Steve Miller


    guitar hero 3 - pro face-off - expert - over PSN, anyone?
  10. while walking around late at night with my girl i felt a bad rumbling in my stomach. it resulted in a minor shart in the boxers she let me borrow. they were pink floyd boxers at that. i felt bad for soiling her bedtime attire and my love for pink floyd. while walking back to my car i get an even worse rumble. this one however, causes me to drop trou in front of her and take the meanest wettest shit on the sidewalk outside of a christian church. with my bad case of mudbutt, she drove my car back to her place while i layed in the backseat on my stomach, so as to not get any more shit on myself. we get to her place and i hop in the shower. she helps scrub me off. i owe her one, haha.
  11. Re: post your meals photo thread!! and any arizona tall can, on most days.
  12. personal favorite. need to read more of his work. rip, player.
  13. Steve Miller


    jesus christ that's gnarly.
  14. Steve Miller


    yes, jordan is insane. quite possibly the hardest song in the game.
  15. Steve Miller


    yyz isn't too hard on expert, but i give him props for nailing the part of the solo i can't do to save my life and doing it perfectly. find someone scoring at least 90% on jordan. that shit is unreal.
  16. Steve Miller


    amen to that.
  17. Steve Miller


    beat guitar hero 2 on expert last night. hangar 18 followed by freebird = sore wrist.
  18. Re: I was a hippie.I was a burnout.I was a dropout I was out of my head.I was a surfe nervous breakdown all day. think i'mma blast some then go sprain my ankle skating in the dark.
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