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Everything posted by iweardoorags

  1. i cant look at this thread when alli have to eat in my bummy ass apartment is tuna and carrots.
  2. got really high and watched this last night, thought it was kinda lame. it gave me a boner when they were all a2m though, kinda hot. didnt get to see the end, can anyone fill me in on what happened? they all got hepatitis and died?
  4. hey those thugs are watching freight trains!
  5. causr and ochre being all different.
  6. fuck crunching through snow to paint freight trains. this is why i vanadalize the fuck out of the city streets at this time of year. no one is out and about at 3am when its -20. perfect street level fill in weather.
  7. wow this brings me back. i hate winter.
  8. welll...thursday night i hit up the girl ive been shagging, she works at a pretty big bar/pub downtown here. met up with her, she kept feeding me shots and free pints until i was seeing cross eyed. keep in mind its a thursday night and i have to work at 9am on friday morning. bitch is nuts, by the time she counted her tips it was like 3am..came back to my pad got the fuggin on til 5am and she bounced back to her BFs place. i slept for like an hour, woke up still fuckin bent and worked all godamned day. i was stilld runk til 2pm. it was shattering. last night i just had some tallboys and crashed out early. tonight is a different story. bring on the booze.
  9. i have a whole batch of boneless chicken thighs baking in the oven right now. tandoori style, tandoori sauce mixed with yogurt, onions and garlic, all just lampin in the oven for the next 40 mins. add some fried asparagus and bread and my roomate and i have a sick meal. i'll post fliks shortly.
  10. i dont have sleep problems im just drunk as fuck.
  11. FUCK. went back to my parents place last night to see my bro and take care of some shit. came back to the city and missed all the beer stores and lcbos by 5 fucking mminutes. seriously. not happy.
  12. hungover as fuck today. i got pickled last night with the guys from work. im waiting for a lady friend to come over and im gunna do it all over again tonight. looks like the only cure for this hangover today is to keep drinking. bottoms up suckas!
  13. thats my plan. ive paid first and last months, which is now this month and january. so im gunna look for a place for feb 1st, if not than a little sooner. i'll take a hit of a couple hundred if i can find a dope spot to live. seriously, finding a place off craigs list was a bad decision.
  14. i just moved into this basement apartment, shared with 3 others. original dudes i moved in with (who own the lease) bounced and subleted(sp) the one room to two indian brothers (FREELOADING MORONS!) and another dude to another room. this place is packed and those fucking degenerates are smoking cigs and shit in the house. i got shafted. luckily i didnt sign a legal contract from the girl i took the room from, im bouncing the fuck out of here after january, and finding a decent bachelor apt downtown. this shit is nuts. anyone else been in a shitty situation like this?
  15. havent posted here yet, but here goes. since im balling on budget lately, downed a 12 of lakeport ice and a 710 of budweiser. wednesday nights have become thursday juniors. luckily i work 11am-8pm. im hungover today and feel like kife.
  16. speaking of unibrows. my ex girlfriend got me into plucking mine. i do it regularly. being a hairy bastid sucks. gotta stay trim. that and i've tried to shave my back before, and since i cant reach all the way around i have unsightly ppatches dispersed throughout my back. :(
  17. i jerk off while listening to tegan and sarah. than sing along, listening to tegan and sarah.
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