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Everything posted by iweardoorags

  1. some real cold chillin goin on in those photos.
  2. i dont give a shit about internet talk and all this shit. im in canada, i have nothing to do with any of these crews. but c'mon, it sincerely pisses me off that new jacks like those guys would fuck with BA. whatever, thats all im saying on this topic.
  3. you know its a real shame, no matter what the beef is over. to fuck with BA crew.
  4. good stuff. like the reefer graveyard.
  5. any one who even considers listening to a band called DA INZANE KLOWN POZZE deserves to be dragged behind a pickup truck with a chain. seriously...i mean, being a greasy stoner is one thing, but a MORBIDLY OBESE stoner, who paints their faces and wears those shitty raver pants from randy river?... i mean...shit!
  6. michael graves might as well be a juggalo. DANZIG FTW
  7. we need some kind of ethnic cleansing on these overweight potheads!
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