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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. All I got to say is... Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
  2. http://americanfreepress.net/?p=693 No comments on anything posted in here recently?
  3. So central banks all over the world manipulating interest rates and the value of money is a conspiracy theory? I thought that was their job. Whatever.
  4. Unless you've painted in NY, you really don't know what you are talking about.
  5. Dream Team 1-2. Most dynamic player in the game can't get a block, loving it. Go Giants!
  6. When you can create money though, doesn't that give you power over it?
  7. Word. So many dope writers. Kesc, Hero, Strider, Dems, Nemek, Fade!!!! Staten Island!!!!!!!! Not that toy shit either.
  8. New Skam2!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zeI2bxPzOg
  9. LOL! That little girl nonsense is bad.
  10. Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers. Yes it is...
  12. Re: What do you think? Fix your M, and balance the letters. Other than that, not bad at all.
  13. I doubt they would have let Mike roll into that meeting with a vest on.
  14. Yes. I agree, Skylar is looking out for her families best interest here. She is clearly fucking with the books at the car wash, which was shown, and if the IRS comes at her, and examines their story as to how they got the money, their story about gambling with come crashing down. I am wondering if Jesse turned on Walt completely, and if part of the meeting between Gus and Jesse wasn't shown. Why would Jesse all of a sudden now, be asking for more details on cooking, if he wasn't trying to come through for Gus. Who knows, that's why this show is so great.
  15. Ya, I don't know what people see in her either.
  16. That's Lady Gaga... Bump those 3ess throws.
  17. Oh, and there is this too.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jixU7JG4pg
  18. What an excellent poem. ^^ http://lewrockwell.com/roberts/roberts324.html
  19. It would probably depend on the industry, the type of employer and the direction of the business. However if you we're allowed to pay people what the value of their actual job is, you could hire more people, let people work more hours, have more profits, expand your operations, hire more people, etc and etc. The minimum wage mandate really only helps out big business, it is a shame that most people think it is a favor to the poor. Here is something someone much smarter than me has to say about it... http://mises.org/daily/2130
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