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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Seriously, anyone saying that Libby got the shaft is pretty blind to the issue. The man was involved in outing a CIA spy, and then lied about it in court. This is treason, and well I was under the impression that treason is punishable by death. Now the guy is free, go figure. If I was on the other end of the stick, I'd probably never see the light of day again, that is even if I were alive to see the light. I can't believe people are even defending this man.
  2. fuck you guys, i wear undershirts with everything. and up until like a year ago, i'd rock basketball shorts under most of my jeans.
  3. HAHA, i didn't even think of it that way.
  4. honestly at this point with everything he's done, or hasn't done, the fact that his approval rating is so low, and still nobody does anything (serious) about the crimes the man has comitied, or the straight up ridiculous statements he's made, why would he even consider it? i mean the guy is basically untouchable right? and saving face at this point it don't matter, his image is fucked regardless and he's already stated he doesn't care what the public thinks about him. get you're boy outta there bush! i'm not surprised by anything anymore, it's getting to the point where i just don't care anymore, and i used to hate people that thought that way.
  5. wow, rofl, you're a funny dude. too bad, someone doesn't knock you're ass to the turf, and make you forget about these forums. anyway, sucks for real, to have a soccer game completely wipe you're mind of all of you're memories that would suck, passwords to shit, combinations to locks, not to mention you're child hood and friends wow man that really blows.
  6. seriously who didn't see this coming?
  7. i hope thats sarcasm i agree music as a whole sucks. you get a few bright spots here and there, but thats about it.
  8. i did, and boy am i scared. now here's a funny benny hinn video.
  9. ja has a few variations of his throw whatchu talkin bout?! and regardless, a throw up is exactly that for a reason.
  10. lets point a finger at everyone, we'll accomplish a lot that way.
  11. I don't understand why nobody in the major media is supporting the Brown's story. If you do any research into what they are saying, you'll realize that they are right. Instead, when they get the chance to ask the Brown's questions, they ask them questions toddlers would, like "How long are you going to do this for?" are you kidding me? Or how about this brain teaser "Are you worried?". How about some research done on the media's part, to back up what these people are saying. Instead the media portrays these people as if they are the only people that think this way, that everything they say is basically fabricated by themselves. Here is to hoping that what they are doing will make a difference, and that if they do die (over this), it isn't in vain.
  12. i like that song she did with ghostface, thats about it. and no smash, before or after the drug problem.
  13. yeah, someone bombing during the train era, in his 20's. i love the logic you kids have.
  14. alright, they drove the car at the cops, whatever the intent, if someone is driving a car at me, regardless to the color of their skin, if i have a gun in my hand i am going to use it. again i'm not saying its a not a tradegy, and my "stupid comment" was made, because you think it matters that he was going to be married the next day, and i said, that people die every day regardless to where they are in their lives. death isn't fair, and it doesn't wait for anyone. thats what i ment by that. my last reply on this issue. because this isn't even about sean bell.
  15. i aint even going to get into a debate about this so if you respond about the specifics i really don't care, there wasn't "no" reason. and people die everyday, regardless to where they are at in their life. as a cop, i'd assume the worst in every situation. i wouldn't act it, but i would think of it. last thing you want is a gun in you're face when the you thought everything was going to be kosher. still this shit needs to be nipped in the bud before its too late.
  16. i'm going to quote my boy noam chomsky, and i got this quote from his book imperial ambitions. "We conclude exactly what Kissinger was kind enough to say: such doctrines are unilateral. They are not intended as norms of international law; they are doctrines that grant the United States the right to use force and violence and to harbor terrorists, but not anyone else. For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit."
  17. im guna be honest i didn't really feel this guy's music, it's just a shame how his life ended so abruptly, and for a fucking chain? wow.
  18. that first is semz, the next to are sems, two diffrent people.
  19. this is what i thought too, but im starting to lsee what drue is saying. regardlesss i didn't like it.
  20. fuck that bring deadwood and the wire back.
  21. Ha, football is great, but basketball is GREATERER!? To bad the Giants are going to SUCK this year. :( Anyway you'll see what I mean with Varejao tonight, everytime Duncan touches the guy he's going to fall on the floor. As far as the Cavs not beating the Nets and the Pistons, I don't think they should have beat either of them, my boy Vinsanity played like shit the entire series, and well I think the Pistons straight up gave up @ the end of each game they didn't have control in. I seriously don't know how the Cavs got to the finals, but now that their here fuck it. SPURS IN 5 YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. I just think it's funny how these analysts are all on Lebron's dick. Stuart Scott said he had the wisdom of a 50 year old, and this guy Greg Anthony said he's a philosopher. HAHAHAHA.
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