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Suicide Bomber

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Everything posted by Suicide Bomber

  2. Man you guys ever get those chicks where its like 1 day they act like there in love with you the next day they totally ignore you then the next your just friends and then shes in love with you again and so and so forth. fucking sucks.
  3. ^^ W00T BAD BRAINS KIK ASS. omg there so amazing... beyond words. I made this for all my fellow knightbats... KNIGHTBATS FO LIFE
  4. Man i hate it when girls get all fucking clingy and shit..
  5. So the point of this thread would be? aw fuck it who cares... so... who here all loves itchee-ban... i know i do...
  6. Know what i dont get... chicks who cut themselves... i was sittin on the buss one time and some chick just comes up to me and is all wanna see something? and this chick was fucking sexy right... anyways she pulls up he sleave and theres like cuts all the way up the the middle of her arm and then all the way down the sides and shit... scared the fuck outa me...
  7. I dont know if its just me but i swear ive seen those E's everywhere man.
  8. I was attacked by a deer today... fuckin animals... and then on the way home of my 20 minute like 3 inch big chunks of hail started falling... luckily enough i was walking back wit a bunch of canvasas and used them for protection... scary shit...
  9. I was attacked by a bunch of crows today...
  10. ahahhaha ^^^^^^^^ that guy wit his cat is sweet... haha... frenchie... but ya i meen dont be so hatin about alot of this stuff i meen id like to see the very first thing u guys have ever done... no ones born a fucking graffiti prodigy...
  11. I said tagging private property is gay... i handstyle tag sighns and do my painting downtown like on buildings there and stuff and texas seems pretty harsh... where i live there alot easier ive bin caught graffing like twice and they never even arrested me.
  12. Back to one of the most recent posts of this thread with the whole graffiti topic... i fer one mostly tag for the rush... i love getting rush's and quickly hitting up a sighn on a super busy streat full of cranky old people is a good way to get one. 2 everyone starts out as a shitty grapher u think those people wit the huge masterpieces started out like that? all people start bad and work there way up. I agree wit the whole tagging somones house or sumtin thats just gay... id love it if somone did it to my house but thats beside the point. I will tag any building (besides somones home) any sighn any mail box u name it... its the governments property they got the money and i love the look of all crap or not crap. I just like pissing off old people cause my city is being over run wit em... (sry if this makes anyone mad its really late n i had to wake up super early for work)
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