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Turd Ferguson

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Everything posted by Turd Ferguson

  1. Wow, I just ended a 4 year realtionship/ 8 year friendship on tuesday. She packed her shit and bounced. It sucks but has been a long time coming.
  2. had a couple people over to moms house, drank, passed out, mom passed around a pen.
  3. I'm dealing with shit like this right now, It's my brother, our friend and my girlfriend, It's been three months and i want to blow my fucking brains out!
  4. Turd Ferguson


    When I first saw this I wondered how long until it turns into a "fuck bikers" thing. It's pretty much right on schedule.
  5. nah its cool, I look hell of square. so now I know. thanks..
  6. looks like a pentagram to me but fuck it I'm not really that up on metal.
  7. hahaha. This dude thats a couple offices down from me wore a Motley Crue shirt with a big pentagram on the front of it, noone said shit. I think it's because hes in a wheelchair.
  8. The job i have now is in an office. I've always had construction jobs and things along those lines so it's kind of different than what I've been used to. I ate someones hot pockets once, then I found out it they belonged to the girl that sat next to me. I overheard her telling someone on the phone about it. Someone else smeared shit all over the handrail in the handicapped stall in the bathroom. I thought that was a good one since i don't use that bathroom.
  9. Clark W. Griswold: Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no! We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here! We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye! And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse!
  10. trashy + yeah! hipstered the fuck out + no!
  11. t.t. boy!! greatest name ever!!!!
  12. that red bull air race looks to fresh...hopefully its cool like that flutag(sp) shit where they jump off the pier....
  13. If you get a chance do a search on ebay for The Cure in Orange it's a live show they did a long time ago, its really good.
  14. When I can't sleep I just rub one out, works every time..
  15. no shit...but my rational is that if my blood stream has enough alcohol in it, it should kill off pretty much any infectious bacteria that could be in those weiners. Thats my cure for everything. if you get enough alcohol in you it will kill what ever is ailing you....got a cold? get hammered. Got parasites? get hammered and then in turn get them hammered and hope that you can out drink them...unwanted pregnancy?...get hammered ALOT. p.s. parts of this were worded just so I can see who is first to put part of this in the homersexual ubertones thread. Quoted post [/b] This is hilarious I think the same exact shit.. alcohol and penicillin are the two greatest inventions ever..
  16. ha ha my brother is 24 and still does this....
  17. Turd Ferguson


    I learned bunnyhop 180's the other day, and I'm getting cofortable on smith grinds...
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