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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. In less than 24 hours those projections went from 200k-1 million dead, to 100k-240k dead..
  2. Just to be clear, i don’t think this is the only reason like it’s a grand conspiracy to simply save themselves. I’m just saying i’m sure it played a role to some degree.
  3. I joked about this earlier in the thread, but i think it merits a little bit of consideration. Look to the age bracket of many of our government officials, corporate top dogs, and “string pullers,” or whoever you want to lump into the “they” category. Then remember the tiers of age that are most susceptible to this virus that is easily spread. Now think about the vast amount of shadiness that has been done and still gets done for the sake of profits and fortune, putting countless lives at risk through negligence and lack of giving a fuck. David Rockefeller has had what, 7 heart transplants? That’s 7 people that had to wait longer or even possibly died because a 90 something to 101 year old dude with a fuck load of cash wanted another heart. Do you not think they would go to more extreme lengths to preserve their lives collectively? Maybe i’m just nuts. So the N95 mask is something hospital staff gets fitted for pre-employment, for situations exactly like this, or just general isolation cases. The way they test the fit of these masks is putting the mask on your face, then a hazmat styled face shield/helmet on and they spray some foul tasting shit into the mask. If you taste anything, it’s not a proper fit. They then adjust the size or if you’re a man with facial hair you’re forced to shave, it’s happened to me. I imagine the N95 masks were initially mentioned because of the lack of knowledge of the virus at the time, and extreme precaution. They’ve probably lightened up on that talk due to what they’re seeing since. The masks we wear in day to day work situations are not N95 masks, and they protect against everything from a cold to CJD, HIV, ect. Obviously nothing is fool proof, but in almost a decade in my “career” i’ve never had an issue with exposure. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD,) is the only thing i’ve personally seen handled with extreme precaution. Everything involved in that surgery was incinerated. No special precautions have been implemented in handling or reprocessing surgical equipment of patients with COVID-19, at least to date. I’ve been exposed to and handled COVID-19 twice so far in the past 2 weeks, that i can confirm, and was only wearing standard masks, and i’m fine so far. These are common masks.. https://www.usamedicalsurgical.com/halyard-health-fluidshield-level-3-fog-free-surgical-mask-48207/ edit: i meant to mention that wearing a mask may not be necessary for the public, if thats what they’ve claimed, but it sure as fuck wouldn’t hurt either, haha. I don’t wear one outside of work, but i sure as fuck made sure i had one at work.
  4. This is a tough choice. I mean you have to go with the flag shorts, right?
  5. Looks like those death toll projections are starting to drop.. 200,000 would put us at about .06% A million would put us at about .3%
  6. My new favorite reason to panic that i’ve been hearing is the when a healthy or physically fit person got sick.. All the sudden mother fuckers forgot you can be in good shape and still catch a bug..
  7. I mentioned it way back in this thread, but the flu comparison is a poor one. It seems the virus comes on like a flu, but causes pneumonia in the more susceptible, then some leading to organ failures. Pneumonia kills roughly 2.6 million people every year, and about 450 million people contract pneumonia every year.
  8. One of my favorite snacks as a kid, and still is who the fuck am i kidding. Little peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches on Ritz crackers. I don’t eat them often but when i do.. i’ll eat half a damn box of these fucks. Heavier on the Fluff than the PB.
  9. Last year, don't know if there’s any left but @misteravencould answer that for you
  10. About to rock this to work. Is it tested to help prevent the risk of exposure to coronavirus?
  11. Well, maybe NY. But that was before the outbreak. AYOO. edit: you know what, FLORIDA TOO. AYOOO.
  12. I’ve been getting ads from toilet paper to this..
  13. Ok, but this makes it look like half the country is infected. It’s a tad misleading. Roughly .026% of the country is currently testing positive. The majority of that being in New York. edit: not the majority, excuse me, about 45% double edit: and it happens because we were very unprepared. Our hospitals are generally underfunded and we’d rather spend our money on blowing up other people living around oil than saving ourselves.
  14. Appears the US’ current mortality rate is about 1.5% and our serious/critical condition rate is about 2.5%.. Germany is still crushing the numbers. California is now saying that the teenager that died of coronavirus may not have simply just died because of coronavirus after all.. time will tell.
  15. Also talked to old coworkers back in Mass and they are also sitting on their asses and even having hours cut. If shit had hit the fan as bad as projected we would not be sitting on our asses and having hours cut. They transformed surgical rooms to pop up ICU rooms and they have not yet needed to be used. Not saying it cant or won’t happen, it just hasn’t happened yet.
  16. Mouth to mouth misinformation is great, haha.. I just had a coworker freak everyone out saying that California passed New York with the most cases.. i said, “hold the fuck up.. you’re saying they had over 30k cases in one day? No way..” and no, they did not. Yesterday at work, as i posted previously, they told us that basically we were walking into hell on earth today and to hold onto our asses. Well, i’m sitting on my ass right now, doing nothing.. I also had someone check my temp today at the door, like they have been, and they said “ok your good, 92.8” i had to pause and turn around like “wait.. 92.8? That’s hypothermic. You’re telling me i have hypothermia right now?” Then there’s the coworker walking around spewing every doom and gloom report he’s hearing telling people we don’t have much time left on earth.. Fucking people, man.
  17. Haha. Ya screen time is through the roof i imagine. Might as well plug into the Matrix brehs.
  18. Holy quad post Batman haha. Also, that dude needs to find a better outlet than 15 twitter posts, haha.
  19. See these people are handling this all wrong. I sneezed the other day at work and yelled “OH GOD! ITS CORONA!” As loud as i could and a couple people laughed. Later on i sneezed again and yelled “JESUS CHRIST THIS IS THE END!” and everyone laughed that time.
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