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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. In Spite of Ourselves is the only song i know with John Prine, and it’s because of Iris Dement.
  2. I’d even argue the Church is hell and the Casino is heaven if i was drunk enough. edit: only on the grounds “if i was drunk enough” because i’d have to be hammered and actually winning in the casino to find it close to heaven.
  3. Only problem with that meme is they didn’t agree on anything, they were shut down by the government. The churches and casinos in Louisiana remained open right up until the state told them shut down or face the consequences.
  4. Buddy Tunnel. See King of the Hill for reference.
  5. I’d be weary of whatever reports right now because of what i’m about to mention. I’m fucking kicking myself in the ass for not screen-shotting the headline.. So as you can see my 4/4 post, i had heard from a friend, who has a good friend who runs the ER at a hospital in New Orleans, different from the one i work at, that there have been 2 day decreases in numbers of hospitalizations at her hospital. THAT SAME NIGHT the NY Times, the only paper i actually pay money to subscribe to, and generally trust, put out a report that New Orleans and another city, i forget which one (edit: it was Detroit, i wanted to be certain), are going to be the “new hotspots.” I cannot find that headline anywhere right now.. i’ve searched their app. I’ve searched google.. it’s gone. Poof. If any of you internet sleuths want a task, try and dig it up for me. It was specifically the NY Times. This is the 21st century. We don’t regularly hold hard copy evidence of faulty newspaper printings in our hands anymore. It’s very easy to wipe a story from their online print. I’m going to keep digging because i’m hoping i missed something. Coincidentally, as i think i’ve mentioned in here, i had just finished reading Manufacturing Consent, and rereading Media Control by Noam Chomsky right before this all kicked off. It’s been really hard reading news reports without bias when you just finished 2 books about media propaganda used to sway the population into unified consent, and then watching a news report vanish before my eyes.. Especially when he specifically cites the NY Times, Time magazine, and many other notable sources pushing certain narratives, and burying very specific stories during situations like Vietnam, and the El Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Nicaraguan death squads. edit: here are 2 graphs, also from the NY Times, showing a downturn, with the occasional spikes, as will happen.. here’s a youtube screenshot from ABC News, this is a similar headline the NY Times ran Saturday night, as i mentioned..
  6. They’re so good, haha. @SMdoubleXL
  7. Word is there’s been 2 days of decreased hospitalizations in New Orleans with an uptick this afternoon at one hospital. Possible we’re closer to the peak than is thought. Could be a fluke, could be good news..
  8. For sure, with the numbers given that’s where we sit. If everyone in the world were tested i’m sure we’d see that percentage drop a bit.
  9. In the US it’s about 2.6% and worldwide it’s about 5.3%
  10. If the military is just indiscriminately burning bodies now, where is this outcry from the families of these people? In the age of social media, it is damn near impossible to keep this sort of shit quiet. I’m not buying that. If i’m wrong i’m wrong, but that sounds like bullshit. Edit: For instance, when the Hard Rock hotel in downtown New Orleans collapsed, 2 workers got buried in the rubble. They are still there. The wind blew a tarp Way one day and you could see, from the street, one of the workers legs just dangling. Now the city didn't do fuck all about it citing hazards and investigations, but that shit was all over social media and the news about the outrage from the families. And where would this person like them to store these bodies if the morgues are running out of room? I’ve seen reports that NYC is making makeshift morgues, so until then, what do they want them to do? Hang the body bags in a closet like a suit? edit: Not the only report i’ve seen about this, just the one i took a screenshot of.
  11. Ya wiping down your phone has become a common thing thats pushed in hospitals, even before this virus. I’ve thought about this as well. So i actually just listened to a podcast about this. The information was gathered from studies by the National Institute of Health, CDC, Princeton, UCLA, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. - Aerosol: 3 hours - Cardboard: 24 hours - Copper: 4 hours - Plastics/Stainless Steel: 2/3 days This was a medical podcast so that’s why they focused on those areas. They also discussed that there’s still other “bugs” that are more worrisome in the hospital setting. For instance, MRSA. - 8 weeks on mops - 7 months in dust - 203 days on blankets. - 9 weeks on towels Obviously with COVID-19 things are changing because it’s still the pretty early stages of studying the virus. So I mean take that for what it’s worth.
  12. MMA Junkie website did a “top 7 fighters you want for the apocalypse,” my buddy made the cut at number 3, haha.
  13. Also, LOL if they think i’m putting this fucking thing on my face. Check that manufacturing date and location.. Hell naw breh.
  14. I’ve heard talk about “disinfecting” and low-temp sterilizing the N95 masks without any IFUs from the manufacturer, or any real explanation of how they will be “disinfected.” This is against every standard procedure for sterilization. So basically “they” are talking about just making shit up on the fly to reuse the N95 masks. This can potentially put hospital staff in further danger because there’s no protocol or proper documentation from the mask manufacturers that sterilization can be achieved through these methods. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide vapor (low-temp sterilization) can cause breathing issues. Now i don’t know if any hydrogen peroxide residue would be left in the masks or if it will cause any issues, but it also brings into question whether the integrity of the mask is maintained. You would think that would be the last thing you’d want to risk at a time like this, but what do i know... I’ve also already heard the joke a few times that 15 years from now we’ll be bearing that commercial on tv that says, “Did you use a low-temp sterilized N95 mask between the years of 2019-2020 and suffer from complications as a result? Call this number to see if you qualify for financial compensation.” Haha.
  15. update: new favorite reason... “my cousin got sick, and he was a preacher!” even children of god are catching the virus, who woulda thunk.
  16. I figured they would be, i know i would want to be there if i had to be anywhere. MGH is the place to go.
  17. I’m sure they’re reporting the numbers to where it matters. Mass General Hospital is one of the top 5 hospitals in the country, i’m sure they’re playing ball with the “authorities.” I have a few friends that work at MGH in the OR. Like other hospitals, and like here, they transformed some operating rooms to make shift ICU rooms. Last i heard people were being sent home from the OR in MGH because of lack of work. They’ve also been sending people home here where i’m at, and we have 3x the death rate if Massachusetts so you can assume the critical care hospitalizations are higher as well. I got paid to sit on my ass last night from the comfort of my bed. Just like here, at MGH they were talking about reassignment to help other departments when things got bad. If they’re sending people home instead of reassigning them, it’s not that bad. NY, specifically NYC seems to be the outlier. Cases are climbing everywhere, like they will, because they’re testing more.
  18. We had one in Mass years ago and everyone at work thought a boiler blew up or some shit, haha. Nobody paid any mind until someone walked and was like “you guys feel that little earthquake?”
  19. The fucking best. The dude speaking about his love for skateboarding has legitimately made me cry, i’m not ashamed to admit that. IMG_1968.MOV
  20. Fucking JEFF GROSSO, man.. Rest in Peace.
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