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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Prime example of why it’s hard to imagine that we’re still staring down “peak week”.. i think peak week has passed at this point, at least for now. Who knows what will resurface. But the numbers being reported right now of new cases are showing slows across the board. edit: i agree with what @Fist 666just said. Hadn’t seen that before i posted this or edited my previous post. double edit: just to be clear, by “peak week,” i mean the flooding of ERs and crazy death toll jumps. I think NYC was the outlier here and was blindsided. The rest of country is already on far better grounds than we were 2 weeks ago in terms of preparedness.
  2. Very aware of that. Somewhere previously in this thread i had mentioned that someone who holds a high ranking position at one of the ER departments here told a mutual friend weeks ago that the reason they were being so overwhelmed and resources were becoming so scarce is because the majority of the people coming in were freaking out and had very mild symptoms, sometimes even calling an ambulance because they had a cough. Every potential case now needs to be treated as a coronavirus case. Therefore PPE and all the resources must be used, EMTs now need to be tested, and so on. I pointed out that 96% of the cases are mild and don’t need hospitalization, 4% are critical, requiring hospitalization. I have talked to everyone i know that works in hospitals, every one said the same thing. Measures were being taking, operating rooms were being transformed into pop up ICUs just in case, triage centers were going up in parking lots, everyone was being talked to about being reassigned to help other departments when shit got crazy.. and it has yet to come. I also previously mentioned that they’ve been telling hospital staff, next week is peak, for 3 weeks, yet the onslaught has yet to arrive in NYC fashion. I’m not concerned about the mortality rate, but many people are, and are neglecting important factors. I've been saying since the go i don’t think it’ll be as bad as some people are claiming it will be. I’m worried about the people freaking out that have made this whole situation far fucking worse on everyone than it needed to be. In the end, i think we’re kind of saying the same thing.
  3. Well there’s a nice dose of fear mongering for the day. Worldwide 96% of current cases are mild, 4% are in critical condition. Of those that have “had an outcome” so far, 79% recovered and 21% had died, (I’m looking at you and your damn Pareto Principle @Mercer) How many of those fall in the elderly and underlying condition category? I imagine the majority. Mainly because every case they were reporting, when the numbers were small enough to report death by death, you’d find buried in the story that it would say.. “82 year old with emphysema.” “65 year old man with a heart condition” and so on.. Out of the 3 million+ tested in the US, 19.8% have tested positive, 80.2% were negative. (Again, looking at you and that damn principle @Mercer) Out of the 19.8% positive cases, 4.2% have died. Out of the 4.2% deaths, 41.5% of those were in New York, and 69.3% were in NY and the bordering states. edit: Of course people of all ages and races can catch a virus. However, the question is, are the age related deaths outliers, or a true cause for concern? Whatever race and political party talk you’ve see is obviously just foolishness. How many people truly believe that? Probably not many.
  4. Meat and potatoes is a classic fucking meal. If you’re ever in Denver check out Buckhorn Exchange. Only went once but an elk steak, baked potato, and glass of whiskey was a proper fucking Saturday lunch.
  5. Beef cooked in some pad thai sauce. Jalapenos and bell peppers, Thai noods. Kept it simple tonight.
  6. FullSizeRender.mov Learned bs slap-revert this morning. Super hyped.
  7. They’re real nice. I wanted to try something new, Tensor has definitely come a long way since the plastic piece in the base plate days. I still love my Indy’s though.
  8. Had to get a test for proper mask fitting today, standard shit, but someone i know did one of those “What are you..” things on Instagram. I thought, “lets see if this works with my mask on.. if not, then it’s surely facial recognition software.” Guess what. Didnt work..
  9. Been going on late night slappy runs, (as seen above.) Streets are dead and it’s quiet. Plus if anyone tries to bitch about social distancing they can suck my balls because i was distant until they showed up to complain. Working on bs feeble slaps at the moment. Kingpin keeps catching i think and throwing me sideways.
  10. Taking full advantage. Ripping down the middle of what was once traffic packed streets is incredibly gratifying.
  11. Very important question. One i’ve brought up before in here, and one i’m waiting to see the outcome of. Maybe we’ll find out if and when the dust settles. I hate to say it, but i already do.
  12. The hilarious part is he’s worried about the mask but not the cancer stick he’s sucking down..
  13. Thats normal shit in New Orleans haha. Drive through daiquiri spots everywhere.
  14. Real life LOL’d. Funny enough, the hospital JUST imposed mandatory masks on Friday, and gloves still aren't required. People still aren’t doing it. Some hospital staff certainly are the disinfect everything type, but there’s also many who absolute vile creatures, i fall in the middle. I’ve seen dudes in a decontamination room, working with bloody instruments, in potentially disease and virus infested environment, walk over and grab a can of soda off a shelf and drink that shit fully suited up, gloves on and all. Nasty cunts.
  15. I’m not there anymore, but that’s where i’m from. This seems to be happening everywhere though. It’s happening here for sure. Hilariously enough, i see just as many elderly roaming around without masks and shit as i do anyone else.. Lots of people out there throwing their used masks and gloves on the ground though, and i hope every fucking one of them catches this shit.
  16. Roasted. The weirdest part is when you move away and can hear your own accent at times.
  17. I can’t recall if i’ve brought this up earlier in this thread or another thread in the News section, but i know i’ve said it before.. Prior to all this, there were a lot of hospitals out there that were already sinking ships, in my opinion due to mismanagement and allocation of funds. Instead of funding departments to get stuff like necessary equipment that is vital to day to day operations, or something as simple as staff, the hospitals spend millions renovating the lobby, the seating area in the cafeteria, the hallways.. superficial bullshit... like shown below.. This atrium has been under construction in the hospital during this whole thing. Sometime in the last few months it started, and is now finished.. Probably could have used that money in more important areas of the hospital. Could of bought a whole fuck load of masks and other PPE with that money, i can tell you that.. But, what the fuck do i know.
  18. Been saying this shit for weeks to people i know, that there’s no way this short term quarantine would totally work. It would have to be months long total lockdown.. Otherwise we’re just slowing the inevitable. Which may just be the plan so it’s not just constantly overwhelming the healthcare system. Also, don’t forget a couple weeks ago the projection percentages from some people were staggering. Then it was over a million dead.. Then 500k.. Now 200k..
  19. Feel like i just watched 10 seconds from the Indian version of that Mark Wahlberg movie where he sings for the metal band, haha. What was that, Steel Dragons or some shit?
  20. Little korean beef with carrots, water chestnuts, asparagus, jalapenos, and some quinoa and rice under there.
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