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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. There’s a good podcast called Q-Clearance that can dive into the details far better than i can. But if i recall correctly, the theory that’s been all but stone cold proven is that the Watson’s run it, and they stole it from some South African dude.
  2. Man, lotta pages since i last checked in, ha. Not going through all that. But the dropping of the possession charge on a nonsense technicality of “short barreled” is disappointing, to say the least.
  3. I disagree, and i think that judge disagrees, i think most of the country disagrees, and i think y’all disagree. I think the outcome of this case can set a dangerous precedent for future protests that already have a bar for what people think they can get away with and entitled to do. The right will think they’ve gotten the green light, the left will actually arm themselves, and that’s when civil skirmishes can truly kick off. Where we see a shooting turn into a shootout. If that were a “rioter” or a “looter” on the stand, i think this case would be getting handled MUCH differently, and i think some of y’all would be calling for imprisonment that is being called for currently. By literal definition, those people that were killed are victims. If they were some good old boys, i’d be willing to bet they’d be getting called victims in that court room.
  4. Just being a kook, seeing how many fools i can weird out, ha.
  5. Some “quick facts” if you’re unfamiliar with the situation. https://freeleonard.org/case/
  6. “I write today from a position rare for a former prosecutor: to beseech you to commute the sentence of a man who I helped put behind bars,” he wrote. “With time, and the benefit of hindsight, I have realized that the prosecution and continued incarceration of Mr. Peltier was and is unjust. We were not able to prove that Mr. Peltier personally committed any offense on the Pine Ridge Reservation.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/leonard-peltier-prison-clemency-biden_n_618049f3e4b059d0bfc19e5c The fucking guy is practically dead, but, free the man.
  7. I understand the self defense argument. I think it’s a crock of shit, but i understand the potential legality of it. This kid should not walk away from this without repercussions though.
  8. abrasivesaint


    https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/fanta-bility-sharon-hill-police-grand-jury-delaware-county-20210927.html https://www.inquirer.com/news/angelo-ford-hasein-strand-fanta-bility-shooting-arrest-20211110.html Police hear gun shots, fire at the first sign of life they see, kill 8 year old girl.
  9. 8b9c6395c7d630236f372d269c3f06f79ddf165ec618b8d538f86b421adde6a5.mp4 896.91 kB · 0 downloads Is this fucking real? Haha.
  10. I’ll wrestle any of you dweebz. Naked. Very, very naked. like so naked. like the most naked you can think of. and then a little more naked.
  11. I welcome scrutiny. It helps sharpen the edges, and also takes a couple shots at the ego. Win/win.
  12. These are anaphylactic reactions. They most commonly happen within minutes, and it is why you sit around after the vaccine. There are a few types of allergic reactions and they don’t all happen within the same time frame. GBS and Bells Palsy reactions generally take a few days. Although the symptoms can come on fast, that does not mean within minutes of a vaccine. It means in a few days when the symptoms start, they can happen quickly.
  13. Fair enough, haha. However, also equally as dumb of an individual.
  14. Fuck it, lets circle back to this.. It’s not solely about what his intentions were. Drunk drivers don't set out to kill people, they want to drive home, but it happens because of negligence and that is how they are tried in court. This is why Rittenhouse’s charges involve the word reckless. As the prosecutor has shown in questioning, Rittenhouse was asked to protect a property. Which he was doing, albeit illegally. When he left the property, engaged with crowds of protesters while wearing his firearm, he was doing so recklessly. Had he not had his firearm after the fact, maybe he wouldn’t have been seen as hostile to a crowd of people. You don’t need a firearm to help and administer first aide.
  15. This trial is a fucking comedy skit. The past like… 6 years of American history has felt like an absolute satire. I think we’re in the fucking Truman show.
  16. We all know what you think Dhabz. Rittenhouse merch will be available for signing at the end of the trial.
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