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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Speaking of China problems.. How about this WTA women going missing?
  2. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-ferguson-police-rifle-20211118-ksh3rsy6pfaqndweeetwhvhsnu-story.html
  3. Also, for the record, i believe that 1 murder that had been tied to an antifascist org is that 1 dickhead in Portland who shot the Patriot Prayer guy and said “i am antifascist” or some dumb shit.
  4. Good. Fuck them for doing that. Despite what i think of this situation the jurors should be left alone. Even if some of their politics are biased one way or the other, this case has been a fucking farce. I don’t think this kid should walk, but i don’t think that’s the fault of the jurors.
  5. Fair enough, haha. An option i overlooked. I mean obviously Charlottesville is at the top of my mind.. the PBs attacked that guy filming them outside of CHAZ (they’ve attacked other journalists/reporters as well), at this point Proud Boys pretty much solely exist to fight antifa (and vice versa in many cases), there were some antifascists stabbed in Berkeley years ago, the numerous protestors run over.. I forget where i saw it, and it’ll probably be chalked up as fake news or whatever, but there have been hundreds of killings by “far right” people, or groups, and only 1 death tied to antifascist groups since the like mid 1990s. edit: this is all off the top of my head. I’d have to start googling of cited examples, but will if you would like. Most Proud Boy videos result in them charging antifascists for one reason or another. I also know that antifascist groups have attacked people as well, i’m not denying that. But from what i’ve seen through the years the scales are far from even. double edit: i know not every person that ran over a protestor was a far-right person, or whatever.
  6. Y’all think you’re immune to MSM narratives but you certainly are not. Communism is a boogey man. Communism is generally pushed by pipsqueak hipsters who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. The history of far right groups in the PNW is why there’s such an antifascist presence up there. Equal and opposite reactions, and all that.
  7. Then you’re either not paying attention or you’re choosing not to see it.
  8. abrasivesaint


    Camera isn’t going to shoot you for reaching for your license and registration. Cops also won’t get shot at/by or into fights with aggressive people. So that’ll bring the annual cop deaths down from like 40, to like, 35.
  9. Despite the narratives, members of the “right” at these protests, riots, ect.. have killed and hurt far more people, but Anarchist is a scary word.
  10. “Black Bloc” is simply a tactic to make it hard to distinguish one individual from another for the purpose of countering surveillance. A lot of the smashing, in my experiences, is generally done by random people. Activists and seasoned protestors know that smashing results in police crackdown. There are groups who strive for the smashing, i won’t deny that, but generally that’s not the goal of the majority. Groups also certainly get infiltrated, like you said, and there’s always some dickhead who wants to smash or light something on fire.
  11. Get the kids vaxxed and back in those fucking coal mines. Black lung aint gonna attack itself down there.
  12. Any sort of violent measures against persons or property gives the cops the “legal” green light to roll in with batons swinging. This tactic is old as fuck. The majority of the time it doesn’t matter once the initial stone is cast. They can just claim someone threw a water bottle or some shit and storm in. I’ve seen this first hand. One moment everyone is standing around, the next moment cops are bum rushing the crowds, snatching people and firing blast balls. The charges almost never stick, because they’re bogus, and in the papers the next day you’ll see the vague report of crowd deterrence due to thrown rocks or “bottles”. Don’t get me wrong, every now and then some dickhead throws a water bottle or something. It’s also always seems to be the 1 guy that nobody else seems to know.. the guy that shortly disappears from the crowd, never to be seen again. Also not saying that no activist has ever riled up the people around him to cast stones, but the pictures painted in the media are often only that narrative. Despite what side of the “legacy media” the report is coming from.
  13. abrasivesaint


    Yeah, it’ll be the traffic cameras that make us like China. Not the self-serving authoritarian politicians… …or the “bootlicking” of our military and police forces that abuse, imprison, surveil, and steal from citizens on the daily… … or the corporations slowly choking the life out of the American people and working class.. ..or the “Capitalists” who want to make everything privately owned, so that way we live in a feudalist, micro-communist or micro-totalitarian, world.. it’ll be the traffic cameras and your god given rights to speed in a school zone, haha.
  14. abrasivesaint


    I disagree and take issue with a whole lot of that. Traffic cameras fining dickhead drivers is fine though. Don’t drive like a cunt.
  15. Haha… Grade A reporting happening here. Mixing recent explosions with bombings from years passed.. sprinkle in some footage from 2020 and you got yourself A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.
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