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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. That a boy, ship the jobs overseas instead of treating your countrymen fairly, like a true Capitalist. America First, unless we gotta pay them, then Company First, and fuck Americans.
  2. Good question^ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/12/20/donald-trump-got-covid-booster-gets-booed-m/8972452002/ edit: for the record, this post is not a criticism of Trump. So don’t get your panties in a bunch.
  3. https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2021/12/rubio-brown-call-for-federal-investigation-into-amazon-s-labor-practices
  4. https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2021/12/us-army-creates-single-vaccine-effective-against-all-covid-sars-variants/360089/
  5. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/megacorp/id1596777564?i=1000545008180
  6. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-maxwell-trump-flight-logs-20211221-zcroqrt42rex7mld73yx6nyh7a-story.html Former President Donald Trump took at least seven trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private plane — far more than was previously known, according to newly released flight logs. Trump was one of several high-profile passengers on the sex-predator financier’s private jet. The 118 pages of flight logs, released Monday, also list nine trips by former President Bill Clinton, as well as flights taken by lawyer Alan Dershowitz, former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell and Prince Andrew.
  7. I spent a week in Austin once, therefore i conclude that Dhabz is a closeted Democrat. We all know only libtard hipsters live in Austin.
  8. “The former San Antonio police officer accused of giving a homeless man a feces sandwich lost his second appeal to get his job back on Friday.” So humble, so hospitable. By the Dhabz metric, all Texans are corrupt, abusive Authoritarians.
  9. I’m simply curious when you had time to meet the entirety if the population and came to your analysis of what the majority is.
  10. You didn’t discredit anything, because if you stopped and thought for a second.. You would know that there are humble people everywhere (you are not one of them), and there are self entitled, self absorbed cunts everywhere (you are one of them). So take your nonsense and put it in the “stereotyping and over-generalizing” pile, and maybe set that pile on fire and grow up. Kettle meets black yet again my man.
  11. Good question, ha.. i wonder if he sees this as a sort of prideful moment, going to prison “for the cause”, or whatever. Going to be interesting to see if he becomes a straight up racist now. We all know prison doesn’t exactly rehabilitate.
  12. Honestly, i think 10 years is a kinda wild. Dude is well known, and definitely a violent individual that inserts himself into these situations. He can definitely go fuck himself.. I don’t know about 10 years though. edit: on the flip side, there are plenty of protestors from the left, or rioters if you prefer, doing several years for lighting fires and such.
  13. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/12/judge-sends-self-proclaimed-proud-boy-alan-swinney-to-prison-for-10-years-citing-his-lack-of-remorse.html A judge on Friday sentenced self-proclaimed Proud Boy Alan Swinney to 10 years in prison for pulling out a loaded revolver, firing paintballs and spraying bear mace at counterprotesters in downtown Portland last year. Multnomah County Circuit Judge Heidi Moawad said Swinney had shown no remorse during his trial and up to his sentencing for his actions during two demonstrations in August 2020. While she said she agreed with Swinney’s lawyer “that there were bad actors on both sides on both days,” she added: “The fact is that you are not just reacting on those dates. You were also provoking and you chose then to become one of those bad actors as well.”
  14. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/10/jury-finds-self-proclaimed-proud-boy-alan-swinney-guilty-of-assault-menacing-unlawful-use-of-firearm.html A jury Tuesday found Alan Swinney, a self-proclaimed Proud Boy, guilty of assault, menacing and unlawful use of a weapon for pulling out a loaded revolver,firing paintballs and spraying bear Mace at counterprotesters in Portland last year. The jury found Swinney, 51, guilty of 11 of 12 charges: one count of second-degree assault, three counts of unlawful use of a weapon, two counts of unlawful use of Mace, and one count each of pointing a firearm at another, attempted second-degree assault, fourth-degree assault, attempted fourth-degree assault and menacing. Swinney, of Texas, came to Portland “dressed for battle” in August 2020 because of his “hatred for the left, for antifa,” declared on social media a “civil war” and urged supporters to join him for “more than a normal flag wave,”
  15. Oh stop acting like you’re any different than the rest of us beating iur heads against the wall s screaming into the void, haha.
  16. Just being as ridiculous as your 6uild 6ack 6etter comment.
  17. I state my opinions every time we’ve had these conversations, you just don’t seem to like them because you can’t attack a checked ideological box. Like i said, i’m tired of being told what i am, despite what i say. Think what you want man.
  18. Pretty much. Although i haven’t drank in almost a year now. First time in almost 2 decades i’ve gone this long.
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