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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I’ve used Libby as well, actually completely fucking forgot about it though, haha.. thank you for reminding me!
  2. Good to see its still running. Hustle on the right panel if i recall, ya?
  3. https://www.politico.eu/article/france-accuse-azerbaijan-fomenting-deadly-riot-overseas-territory-new-caledonia/ Speaking to POLITICO, a French intelligence official granted anonymity to discuss sensitive issues of national security, said that “we’ve detected activities from Russia and Azerbaijan in New Caledonia for weeks, even a few months. They’re pushing the narrative of France being a colonialist state.” Edit: I mean, to be fair, they aren’t wrong, haha. fuck the Russian govt. and fuck the Azerbaijan government though.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/new-caledonia-riots-rage-after-paris-approves-voting-change-2024-05-15/ “Rioting broke out over a new bill, adopted by lawmakers in Paris on Tuesday, that will let French residents who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years vote in provincial elections - a move some local leaders fear will dilute the Kanak vote.“
  5. I certainly appreciate concepts within philosophies such as absurdism, stoicism, and nihilism, and i think that being mindful of the ability to twist these concepts in nefarious ways (either internally or externally) is very important, as it allows abuse and exploitation to be justified through bullshit concepts of nature, domination, and hierarchy.
  6. @KILZ FILLZ If you’re interested in this stuff, check out Nihilism by Nolen Gertz. You can get a bit in the semantical weeds when it comes to defining and distinguishing some philosophies in this area and is kinda hard to smack into a small(ish) post.. but Gertz largely argues that nihilism should be viewed through an optimistic and absurdist lens. Instead of looking at the dread of meaninglessness and becoming destructive/self-destructive, the realization that none of this matters can and should be used to build, better our existence, and appreciate the beauty of life and it’s chaos. Essentially, the world is our oyster. I noticed that post above about Trump, which made me laugh because Gertz mentions Trump and how he is a nihilist. But i’ll let him pleas his case if you're interested in hearing/reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed his book. It helped change my pre-existing nihilistic/absurdist view of the world. I listened to it on audible. Now that i’m talking about it i may crack that open again.
  7. Something worth noting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahanism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otzma_Yehudit https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/nyc-real-estate-developer-charged-driving-woman-pro-110046246 Kahanists used to be on the U.S. terror list, the Biden administration removed them from the terror list. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/5/17/us-plan-to-remove-kahanist-group-from-terror-list-draws-concern
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/12/israel-protest-gaza-hostages-netanyahu
  9. (This is not a comment on your statements as a whole, but those specifically mentioning of Rachel Corrie, and Rachel Corrie’s Ghost Brigade.) Rachel Corrie was a nonviolent peace activist that died in 2003, after being run over by an Israeli IDF bulldozer that was demolishing a Palestinian pharmacist’s home. I doubt the people who burned those police vehicles or those that have been smashing out Portland businesses knew her directly. The burned police vehicles were “in solidarity” with Palestinians, and those groups are often named in honor of who they perceive as martyrs. Some anarchist groups intentionally use different names when committing different acts so they cannot be tied together (It’s a seemingly fairly common practice in Greece). I have never heard of this group prior to this incident. I’m not saying that they didn’t exist, or that some of the members weren’t involved in any of those situations you mentioned, but i don’t think it was under the name of Rachel Corrie’s Ghost Brigade, as i think they specifically chose that name in this instance to point to the Palestinian solidarity. Her father has also spoken out against the group using her name.. https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/rachel-corries-father-disavows-group-claiming-arson/amp/
  10. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-tanks-encircle-eastern-half-rafah-2024-05-10/ "I am trying to leave but I can't afford 2,000 shekels ($540) to buy a tent for my family,"
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