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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. ya, that shit looked foolish, like 90% of fights that go down at skateparks.
  2. found out you can rent stay gold on ps3 today for 3 bucks, so i did that. i enjoyed it. that park looks real fun too.
  3. damn groton looks so fun, sorry i had to flake guys, im still down to go there soon though if/when you dudes are going again.. i was gonna come down aft6er i helped my brother move some shit but i didnt feel like driving solo.
  4. fuck, i love and hate watching videos like that, cause now i wanna just throw myself at or down something stupid.
  5. its worthy of a few posts, guzman is fuckin awesome, no question. smacking into that curb looked like it felt pretty good too.
  6. burnquist landed the 900 on mega ramp quarter.. courtesy of yahoo news. http://www.grindtv.com/skate/blog/20377/x+games+legend+bob+burnquist+finally+makes+good+on+mega+stunt/
  7. "i aint playing whichu.... bitch" some cool shit in that video.
  8. damn those baltimore spots look fuckin awesome. i always forget skaters edge has got that foam pit, i'll have to go there on some upcoming rainy day.
  9. ya its real spaced out but i like that place, i love ripping around that bowl frontside, do a quick stall, then rip back around backside and 5050 around the kidney and drop into the straight part ( maybe the face of the bowl? i dunno) but its so much fun. agreed that the mini is pretty amazing as well, my buddy tried to traildrop off the backwall into it and completely missed the transition and went straight to flat and fell on his face haha. but if im not in the bowl or mini i dont leave the big section at all, it gets way to crowded by those manual pads and shit.. that big quarter they have there is by far the most mellow quarter i've ever skated in my life and its kinda weird skating that thing, but it does get you a good amount of speed when you come back down. but those ledge they have on the boxes are way too big.
  10. this is awesome, and that bowl is fuckin amazing, skated that thing the other day. just watched that happy medium part too, that kids damn good, crazy fuck for sure.
  11. thank you! i always bust my buddys balls cause he never tries to ride out back smiths, he always slashes, so i call him a bitch and he gets pissy ha, but my back smiths are few and far between so i cant talk too mucy shit i suppose haha. edit: not gonna lie they're almost non existant hah, but im working on em.
  12. yo crack and chupa, got some people down for a trip to that place in CT one of the next couple weekends, all i had to do was show them the park and they were sold ha.. so word, i'll hit you guys up with a pm later and get your numbers and shit and figure out when we're gonna do this.
  13. ya that park looks pretty awesome. i'll try and do some selling..
  14. went skating here a weekend or 2 ago while camping, was hungover like crazy and had a stomach full of mcdonalds for breakfast so it wasnt the best session, fun park though. that bowl is savage. i was carving around and tried to hit that little roll in the middle and completely launched off it and straight into the transition in front of it, where that board and water are in the first flick, head first into that haha. was a nice park, coolest thing that went down is my buddy nosepicked in the bowl, no great flick of it though.. it also had a railroad track going from the park to the parking lot, so you could grind the track to your car, that was fun ha. chupa im def. down for a weekend park session, i'll try and see if i can get some people organized and get a nice park/trip/spot in order and shit, i'll talk to some people today.
  15. fun fact: torey pudwill doesnt actually exist, hes a computer generated image. on a serious note, it must be so cool to be able to do whatever you feel like on a skateboard. like .. "hey guys check this out, i think im gonna do a switch bs crook 3flip out.. just something i was fucking around with the other day"
  16. ha that'd be an interesting read. ya the top nut is almost completely stripped on my trucks, thats why i must have thought my tool was junk, but i used a buddies yesterday and it was the same shit, so its got to be those original top nuts.
  17. word, i ended up putting the top washer back on after they compressed down a little bit, the bushings by themselves was causing me dead stopping wheelbite and caused me to eat shit a few times. seems to be alright now though. set up a 2 ft kicker directly into a fence yesterday and did a foot stall about 5 ft up and jumped back to flat. then i set it up to try and wall ride a banner on the fence and some dude kept bitching at me for "fucking up the fence" so i just left. it was fun though.
  18. word, had that problem with my ventures, the indys seem to be fine though. i havent had a tool in atleast 5 years so i figured its time to snag another one.
  19. anyone who rocks bones medium bushings.. went to throw em on my indys yesterday and they didnt fit, right now i have them on the trucks without the washers. but how do you ride them cause i've heard 2 ways, compress them so the washers fit, or ride them how i have them now cause apparently that yellow plastic is supposed to act as the washer?? snagged them yesterday along with some indys and reds cause those indy bearings i've been riding arent cutting it anymore. also bought a unit tool that the sockets are fucked up on, so im gonna bring that thing back and get a dif. one cause i can hardly tighten my trucks without the shit slipping off..
  20. ya that front smith one is real nice.
  21. still watching this.. but that bs 180 at 18:15 is whats up, didnt catch that first kids name but i could not deal with that music and moved on to bingamans part.
  22. torey pudwill - hallelujah this part is fuckin absurd... 4:37... are you fuckin kidding me? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5mwJcP7Mqw edit: also broke my indy kingpin doing a feeble on a mini today, i was bullshit.
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