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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. - i did not respond with wiki screenshots. The wiki screenshot was in reference to a BBC story about a prior post i had made and forgot to link the story. Pretty straight forward. I have done a little research into Australian gun laws myself. I’m waiting for my friend to point in his direction of where he would look, because again, he is someone i generally DISAGREE with politically. He’s not pandering to me. - please point out specific things i have dodged that didn't suit me. - I’m not arguing banning, i’m arguing regulation.
  2. The difference is i’m backing up my claims and you are not. The link you sent about Australias “disaster” gun laws didn’t prove a thing. Mercer and Raven have both argued against me and said things i agree with. I have admitted when Raven called me on being too vague about red flag laws and i admitted he was correct and i wasn’t specific enough. I have yet to see any of the same from you. I’m typing long winded responses, addressing specific points and you’re throwing out vague statements. Then accusing me of ignoring everything you post when i clearly have not. I have read and looked into everything you’ve sent.
  3. No, those are in reference to the stories i mentioned initially. Here.. I forgot to post the stories so i posted the screen shots. Ok, now i’m definitely throwing out ad hominem attacks.. Are you fucking retarded? That BBC screenshot clearly states in June of 2019 they had the third “mass shooting” since the gun laws were established in 1996. The wiki post was to shot there has been 3-9 depending on your definition of mass shooting. I did read those links you sent and what they basically said was.. - making things illegal doesn't make them go away, they thrive in the black market. True. - the rate of homicide has remained constant or moderately decreased. It has not risen as calling it a “disaster” alludes to. True. -biker gangs like to kill each other. True.. again, how was it a disaster? They have had 3-9 major public shootings since 1996, 23 years ago. The United States had 3 last week.
  4. I can somewhat agree to this. As far as i recall in any past discussions he said most people were willing to comply and turning in certain guns, and those who werent just didnt and they didnt do all that much about. Well Brady's Bill was passed under Clinton if i’m not mistaken and was named after Brady who was caught in the fire. I’m curious exactly what about their rights were infringed upon. I feel most background check requirements are pretty fair, and they specifically exclude me from purchases firearms, and again, i thoroughly enjoy firearms.
  5. Thats not even close to what i was saying. Was not talking about banning anything, i said, verbatim, “i’m not saying it should be illegal..” But if you want to address car deaths in comparison to “mass shootings” like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, we can. I’ll argue that the only time you can compare car accidents to a public mass shooting is instances where the car accident resulted in a victim other than the driver themselves, and it was intentional. Most car accidents will be drunk driving, drug use, phone use, or flat out negligence. How many car accident deaths are premeditated attacks? The term “car accident” sort of speaks for itself. There’s no public mass shooting accidents. Nobody was cleaning their firearm in public and accidentally shot a few dozen people. My source was an Australian friend who’s political opinions i usually largely disagree with. I’m asking him for more information as i’m sure he has a better idea of where to look. However, i did some homework for you. Here’s a story stating Australias 3rd mass shooting since 1996. According to a wikipedia page, there’s been 3-9 depending on definition of mass shooting since the change of gun laws, again, in 1996. The only argument here would be the population vs the US population. If i’m not mistaken Australia’s population is about the population of Los Angeles. Explain how their gun laws were a disaster. That is a vague claim and you posted nothing to support it.
  6. I asked my friends from Australia and the Netherlands to elaborate on their gun laws, they were fairly similar. “You can have semi auto pistols, double action revolvers, lever & bolt action shotguns (not pump), and lever, bolt & pump rifles. Just have a farm or join a gun range. You can get more guns but that requires a difference license. However most mass shootings we have had have been with illegal weapons because it's gang related. I don't know why they just don't make it a requirement to join a milita to own a rifle in America as that is literally the point of the second amendment. We used to have heaps of trained militas in Australia but our gun laws (post Port Arthur) we designed to remove them.” - directly quoted from the Australian friend. Who is far from a “take their guns!” leftist. He actually would be considered Far-Right in America as he is a (self proclaimed) White, Nationalist, Conservative, Male who makes some questionable remarks on race from time to time. Why not toy with laws similar to Australia?
  7. 100% understand the dangerousness of this. I will ask then, what are other solutions in your opinion? Mass shootings are naturally the topic at hand as it is most recent but i mean across the board. Gang shootings, mass shootings.. what are the alternatives. Fentynol doesn’t kill people, improper use of it does. I’m not saying it should be illegal as it certainly has it’s medical purposes, but it’s obviously a problem in illegal drug use.
  8. You’re right about this. I meant to clarify that i understood they vary state to state and forgot to do so. Violated, no, amended, possibly. Not repealed, amended. It is in fact itself an amendment. Why must the Bill of Rights being so locked in stone? We amend laws all the time, they become out dated. Yet for some reason, guns laws are deemed untouchable. Obviously, like you said Raven, guns are low hanging fruit to previously discussed issues. There are plenty of factors involved in gun deaths. Guns are simply the means to the end.
  9. I know various states have implemented the laws, and i know there’s varied opinions on how effective they are. I’m not totally against the concept, but 100% understand how quick that slope can turn into a landslide. I just don’t know that i buy that it will, although i understand it is entirely likely and/or possible. Anyone who has their firearms taken can get them back after a court hearing and the confiscation can usually only be extended after an order to do so and another court hearing. Now i know how fast that gets dangerous. I’ve been through the court system a few times. Things get dragged out, motions after motions get filed delaying the process, and if you’re paying privately for a defense lawyer it gets to the point where you can’t afford it anymore, so unless you do your homework and represent yourself, they win. I think we all understand that concept. I mentioned previously i can’t legally own firearms in my home state. Had I owned them prior to the situations that led to no longer legally being able to own one, i probably would have been on a red flag list.
  10. I agree. Situations like this, red flag laws you mentioned previously, and controlled speech are building blocks for authoritarianism to slip its weasel-y little foot further in the door and into our lives and homes.
  11. I don’t disagree. I understand the idea of a red flag law, i also understand how easily this gets way, way worse. I’m not sure it’s a sign of what’s coming, but time will tell.
  12. If this didn’t play out the way it did i’m sure there could have been a court case to discuss getting his firearms back.
  13. We can move this and any further discussion to a separate thread if that’s desirable. I’d hate to clog up the meme thread any more than i have.
  14. Epidemic is not a word i would use. Sounds like some sensationalist bullshit. Mainstream is full of shit sometimes, not all the time. Alternative sources are full of shit sometimes, not all the time. Everyone has agendas and is full of shit. Where have i not backed up my point of view? Point it out and i will back it up. What questions have i ignored? Pretty sure i’ve addressed them. Aside from being a sarcastic cunt about the mainstream media and alternative sources i haven't attacked you personally. I’m attacking your specific statements and your opinions on this matter, because i think they’re horse shit and unfounded. You’re citing NY Post as the end all be all and i’m telling you this isn’t the Men In Black movie where the truth about aliens only gets printed in the tabloids.
  15. i most certainly did not, haha. edit: if one of your “credible” sources statES “FYI” and then continues to address who he wanted to vote for in the title you need to reevaluate your trusted source information. I would say this same thing if it replaced Warren with Trump. Heres the Safari google results: the top result is the NY Post and then a bunch of photos of the shooter, so i scrolled past the photos.
  16. My mistyping produced incorrect results, so in the interest of fair play i’m not editing that and posting the proper results here.
  17. I don’t, but you have very little argument to support your claims. I get it, all mainstream media is a lie, and alternative sources are spitting hard truths no one wants to hear. Now maybe they make a couple good shots, but a lot of it is nonsense, left or right. Mainstream media lies and has their own agendas just like everyone else, there’s no denying this. But i’m not going to take your argument as hard fact when these are the top 3 headlines and news sources, on your choice of search engine, duck duck go. Edit: lol at me typing daytona.
  18. I have. That article is the NY Post, basically a tabloid. Just as sensationalized and one sided as many news outlets. Their argument is shit. It has yet to be shown that his attack was in the name of the left, anti fascist movements, or plain ole killing of nazis. I’m not all over the place, i’m addressing specific issues being brought up by various people. What you call “being called out,” as far as i can tell, is people discussing topics with varying to slightly varying opinions. This is called conversation and debate. If i am being “called out,” that is fine. I still have my stance and it’s not backed by twitter feeds or 8chan topics. It’s years and years of researching, contemplating, exploring ideology and forming my own opinions.
  19. The origin of all this was Kults pointing out the Daytona shooter was Antifa, not proven, and it was not being covered in the media, not true, and all the focus on the mass shooter in El Paso. Daytona shooter was no more Antifa than El Paso was Aryan Brotherhood. The El Paso shooter apparently posted his manifesto online, claiming the Hispanic Invasion and blah blah blah. Daytona shooter has yet to have any sort of specific motive. Of course the news is going to focus more on the story they have more hot topic information on, thats mainstream media.
  20. I’ve probably missed some points above, i’m now addressing 3 different people on various topics and am doing my best to address it all, haha.
  21. You sort of proved my point about these rampages by stating 2 incidences that proved to not have the severe ties to islam as the media indicated. Of course various races, religions, nationalities and genders have been guilty. Denying the growing prevalence in these far right white idealists shooting at people for god, country, and race is naive in my opinion. People very much do care about when non white men shoot up crowds of people, it just so happens these situations are generally white men. Again, not always, but generally. Chicago is a war zone, however, gangland violence is different. Obviously innocent people get caught in the crossfire all the time, and is no less important than “mass shooting” victims. By definition any shooting of 4 or more is considered a mass shooting along there’s no real specific criteria. There were only a handful of these in Chicago on the 4th of July. Now, this is where I understand and do agree the media coverage differences between a crazy white guy and the number of shootings in Chicago. Chicago gets covered for maybe 2 days, white guy for 2 weeks. I still stand by my statements of extreme nationalist “far right” white dudes blasting people indiscriminately is more common now than before, statistics show this, and they take more lives than “jihadist” attacks in America, excluding September 11th. Just a few years ago, ISIS was the big bad boogeyman. Now it’s basically “what’s ISIS?” Many of these incidents involve the internet. They get radicalized reading bullshit stories on bullshit websites, watching bullshit videos, and let their emotions take control. Just like those crying for all the guns to be taken away from law abiding citizens. I find it more rare than not to find middle of the road people with internet hot topics. It’s either “everything's a conspiracy” or “this one particular guy i like said this..” But i’m calling bullshit that racism doesn't actually effect peoples lives. Thats a nonsense statement Mercer. We all know this is rarely the case. I’m also not naive and think racism will ever be wiped off the planet and i’m not talking about simple “you’re a (racist slur.)” People obviously have bias and i understand that argument, some of the same people who preach anti-racism have their ideology put to the test when theres a black man walking down the street in their direction at night. Edit: and you can change peoples minds Mercer. There’s plenty of information of racists dropping their beliefs once they actually meet a black man, Muslim, ect..
  22. Attitude would probably drive the smash train off the rails and into the trash yard.
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