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Everything posted by mackfatsoe

  1. rage your polaroids always look fucking sharp. are you a professional photographer? if not, do you want to be?
  2. had to bump this one. theres something about that house and the setting that is fucking creepy. nice work. hopefully ill post some new stuff soon.
  3. holgaroids are the shit. anybody got a holgaroid they feel like selling?
  4. heres a picture of me i took with a friends digital when i was real drunk late night. LOUD NOISES
  5. rage, the polaroids are awesome. no complaints at all.
  6. robert yager. http://www.photoloco.com check it out if you have time, pretty impressive stuff.
  7. he just needs an e-hug. or a fist to the fucking face. either way.
  8. is that show good? it on the adult swim lineup right? i only have been watching aqua teen recently.
  9. i dont know how to make these any bigger. advice?
  10. has anyone been able to find any black and white polaroid film anywhere? I know they discontinued it last year, but maybe theres some shit still floating around.
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