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Everything posted by xen

  1. Damn you MedicineCabinet, you will owe me almost as much of my life back as Raven. I only have so much room for random shit and that has overloaded it. I am 2,455 pages into that blog.
  2. Also, is it just me or has '14 been a shitty year for hip hop or am I just not looking in the right places?
  3. For the love of jeebus, Aesop Rock is hell to get stuck in your head at the most inconvenient moments. Not that I can think of a convenient moment but I have too many words going ATM. I alone noble in a warm food feud Walking ten generations ain't nobody asking for your patience Who ranned off but only meet to face the fact that I knew myself and didn't have to ask nobody else is what gets it started and just loops until I hear the damn thing.
  4. xen

    xen is ten

    Hillbillies that are sure the next solar flare is going to knock earth back to caveman days and ain't nobody taking my 4 years supply of potatoes. The fact that they have already opted out of birth control and oral hygiene but will likely survive the imminent apocalypse is more than enough reason not to do it. http://www.prepperwebsite.com/ http://gameandgarden.com/cooking/the-lost-art-of-sausage-making/
  5. xen

    xen is ten

  6. xen

    xen is ten

    Word. I wish I could have finished telling y'all why your favorite albums suck. Really. Some of them were bad,
  7. xen

    xen is ten

    Thank you. Thank you very much. 25% of my life down the tubes. Wouldn't have missed it for the world even though I missed the world for it. (not really. just didn't document it . shoulda KeptItRail) @Symbols, I'd apologize if I meant it but c'mon. You're not new to this cesspool either.
  8. xen

    xen is ten

    I should drink but that is so last decade, Have some tits instead,
  9. TEN YEARS. probably unrelated but damn I feel I can officially say I have been here for a minute. I can get the Krink recipe and emailed can control now, correct?
  10. xen

    Head On!

    Ooooohhhh...Apply directly to forehead!!
  11. xen

    Head On!

    It's been 8 years. Would someone just tell me? What do I do with this stuff?
  12. Wow. As if my browser history didn't already need to be cleared.
  13. xen


    I'll be one of those long hair skulls that were all the metal tattoo/album cover 80's rage. The first one of my [REDACTED] people I partied with went to the nut house before polite society knew what meth monsters were was going bald by 23. I am reasonably sure it was related.
  14. xen


    Ya my short term memory is definitely fucked and I used to have a true photographic memory. Some of it may be just that I am old but consuming every skull and cross bone available is what I chalk it up to. On a bright note, I have maintained sober since my last relapse, the one I posted here. I gave up keeping track of the individual days because it seems counter productive in my specific case. I was sober today and that is all I care about.
  15. You need to calm down. If you can't address other users without trolling and flaming them, then don't participate in the thread(s).
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