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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. nice collection. I'm diggin that Schlits reefer got any modern freights?
  2. no prob. glad it arrived. Looks like you had an exciting day.
  3. Made from an extra inner wheel part from the parts box. This is just a quick mock up for a picture
  4. How's the cab of that '31 Ford working out? Meanwhile on the Cadillac, I notice that there is no detail of brake calipers on the discs of this kit so I'll have to scratch build some
  5. The PM went through. I got a pretty good idea of what I'm sending you next via the pen pal thread...
  6. True. and I need to get more done to the green Caddy
  7. This is looking bad ass. I like the little red swoop point up the rear window frame
  8. looking good. Colors perfect for October too. I can see a coffin sticking out the back. The wheels and hubs look cool as is
  9. Great looking color scheme going If the rear tires are vinyl, which I think they are from Revell, you can sand the contact surface area with 250 grit sand paper to get that realistic used effect
  10. Tried building this AMT ERTL '32 Ford last year kit is sht! The interior and roof does not fit the body. The body does not fit the fender assembly. Do not buy, unless you get it free or super cheap because it contains good individual parts This is as far as I got with it
  11. Is this your blog spot? Paper models are a whole 'nother hobby as well. I forgot about these. There is military stuff to space craft and science fiction too. Good contribution
  12. and a reactionary racist... JK got any pics of your Shelby?
  13. You building this one box stock or are you going to customize? The flat black primer looks clean
  14. Liquid Cement is the best sht, but CA (super glue) works too. No one uses the testors tube glue anymore
  15. SPITF, what kind of paint do you use for these? And what scale are they?
  16. Just scored this one from TripleSuplex, thanks dude! which will get a similar weather down to this one
  17. special thanks to both of you. progress continues...
  18. right ons, did the whole interior
  19. I want the seats to look like brown leather with a worn but re-conditioned look. Started with a Rustoleum base coat brown Then with Model Master Leather, I sketched random lines with a fine brush tip with thinned color on the tip Then followed by the same treatment with Model Master Military Brown in the same sketchy line patterns. Final pass with a dry brush over all with Pactra Khaki
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