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Juan Fuentes

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Everything posted by Juan Fuentes

  1. Good, honest, God fearing men go to heaven.
  2. And then they cry and ask why when their kids do school shootings. I wonder what were they doing in the 70s and 80s. Taking drugs, trying to be cool, going to parties every week, watching TV most likely. History repeats, don't do what your parents did. Look at how the world is because of that generation.
  3. Yeah, RCN news had the tape of some skinny dude with a ski mask and dark shades, stating in the video that, they were a group from within the FARC that wanted to kill ALL high ranking officials. Now this dude came out in the news without a mask, and saying that "they" are 3, him, his lover and another guy, that escaped after killing Ivan Rios, for reasons of hunger, because Rios wasn't letting them cook the food because the smoke from the fire was a call for the Colombian army to come attack. And is saying that FARC should surrender, so that means he went in the FARC for personal gain, if not he wouldn't have stated that his main incentive to kill Ivan Rios was the reward that the government was paying, and that's what he said.(If he really was in the FARC)
  4. Thanks Jerkspot for that Palast report. Still we don't have to be "experts" to make up a picture out of all this events. Though some still need their opinion. The things are clear, where the CIA/DEA/FBI/"USA" are, there's always trouble. ___ Yesterday's "Rio Summit" in the Dominican Republic was like water to the fire when things softened up for this "conflict". Uribe trying to hug Chavez, shaking hands with a Rafael Correa that had a priceless look on his face. Nicaragua's president, Daniel Ortega asking to take the military ships away from the Nicaraguan-Colombian sea borders. Uribe going all over the place trying to hug and shake hands with everyone. He was really "alone" in that summit. So no doubt was another loss for the Globalists. At the same time this summit was going on. RCN news of Colombia was reporting of the death of Ivan Rios, one of the top men of FARC. The minister of defense said they had this information for some time, but they weren't able to announce it because forensic proves had not arrived. They talk about his right hand, his computer, national ID, in their possession. All this seems very weird, we would have to wait some time to know a more about this. ___ There was also a protest against paramilitary violence in Colombia and many parts of the world. Which the Elite owned media constantly referred as just "against violence", not "against paramilitaries". And that the Colombian government didn't showed up to, none of their officials, contrary to the protest against FARC.
  5. The narco-government of Colombia said that they found 3 computers at the site they bombed. I would like to know who's the manufacturer, i need to get one of those laptops! And the 50 kilos of uranium! haaaa! And they showed a picture of a green glowing rock in the news for the sheep to look, what a bunch of clowns. The "e-mails" talking about connection with Chavez. It's like the undercover cops, even though they try to act street you can always tell they are a bunch of nerds. Latin America is tired of the globalists oppression and they are not going to take it.(the people not the elite)
  6. Colombia comes third after the state of Israel, in funding for war. Billions of dollars go in. The "Plan Colombia" now called "Plan Patriota"(patriot plan), to "fight" drugs by spraying fields with their herbicide that many times ended up on top of crops of farmers who wouldn't be down with the transgenic food Monsanto makes. Many people was moved out of their lands, thousands massacred, atrocities of all kinds, by these paramilitaries paid by the Colombian oligarchy that also controls the media. Their main channel is Caracol. All seeing eye. The owner, Julio Mario Santo Domingo, is listed in the Forbes magazine as one of the wealthiest in the world, he also owns Bavaria Brewery. Where was the Illuminati from? Bavaria Germany.
  7. Close yes, the NWO love playing with fear. Not ready to attack yet. Who knows if they knew where the FARC fighters were but didnt decided to attack until needed. No one is saying that, i haven't heard it. But the fact that HOURS before the attack, the FARC guerrillas had liberated 4 prisoners to Chavez, and the whole peace process was getting better, with the prisoners begging Uribe to take a political exit to this problem and all that shapes the public opinion differently. These people go and murdered the FARC's fighters and do all the mediatic show with the corpses and what not, so now you have a bunch of conformist, opportunist sheep asking for more death of the "terrorists" of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC. In the long run we can predict some sort of invasion will have to take place, is the M.O. Asking yourself where they will get the men power? There's plenty, not the American Army though. Maybe a small part of it. They truly are a virus spreading around us. And the illness caused by it is what today some people fight against. Fighting against the virus itself should be the priority.
  8. The Colombian army, or the paramilitaries, controlled by the same people, we don't know which of them were responsible for the attack. They bombed them, went down and took the bodies of Raul Reyes and Julian Conrado, top FARC officials, as trophies to be used in the Colombian media. The rest, that were bombed while SLEEPING(because most of them were found in pajamas and sleeping clothes)(contrary to the lie the Colombian government made about they being attacked) were left there to be collected by the Ecuadorian government which also found 2 female FARC fighters wounded. The gateway towards Latin America, Colombia. The Israel of South America. Looks like everything will be okay, no invasion of any country, for now... And the good side of it is that it will awaken more Venezuelans and Ecuadorians against the puppet government of Colombia. Make them exercise militarily and strengthen their defenses. "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" (saying doesnt apply for: aspartame, fluoride, chemtrails, prozac, zoloft, and other NWO BioTerrorist weapons)
  9. writings of the griptape always distracted me, plus it looks hella poserish. like muska's griptape lol
  10. even if you dont believe 911 was a false flag deception operation. you still have to know "terrorists" attack(ed) because of their oppression to their lands not because of the religion they follow. the belief thing is a technique a disgusting zionist like maher will use.
  11. i believe every personality has its own OS. i stick to Linux, of course, Mandriva the best.
  12. is there any hard evidence showing women or anyone where responsible for those attacks yet?
  13. http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/01/31/6768/ over 1 million iraqi deaths due to the conflict
  14. he makes middle school rap kisses a man he claimed he is a god or the God in a song, i think, i over heard it......
  15. no, step by step, issue with issue, omar's horse race not equal to the NWO, and what LOW was trying to expose is what he thinks everybody should look at, even went really far with the evidence. he is new to crossfire, so he wanted to shock everyone with stuff they should know, but what he didnt know is that many people here have seen such proves but have hidden that reality and proves in the storage room of their minds to continue on with their ego-hungry lives. someday those nutty things will come out and it wont be weird to accept them. the ideas i put forth is things i know of because of hours and hours of studying. you know, football fanatics, or celebrity worshipers, or religious leaders. they know almost all about their interest. i take this very seriously and dont just talk what i heard or ideas i pulled from places, this is hours of research, for the last 3 years, and i know about solutions too, i apply them every time i spend my money, every time i speak, every time i think or do anything is related to this attempt to break free from the evils that the current world has taught me for many years, and the things that still try to hurt me, i need to stay alert for that too, 24/7, i cant even get high because i figured out ill be getting away from the reality i know. it's too long to explain in details. just put it this way, im trying to help people get serious about the NWO because i dont want the future generations to live worst or even how we live now. i try to worry and think globally not just internally as much as i can, when im not im making a mistake. also. if satan worshiping people for you are people who listen to rock and are from the ages of 18 to 23, you are wrong. the current leaders that push globalization belong to cults, secret societies, a group of bloodlines that are born into those satanic beliefs. you can say, "but i dont believe in satan", well they do, and they serve him. nothing out of this world. those beliefs have been around from a long time, there's no doubt that they have strengthen their belief and strengthen their methods of control, that's the reality of this creation, and like they can change the world so do we. some might feel insignificant and small in the face of a conspiracy of that size that and it will put them in an disbelieving state, but know that ideas never die, unity makes strength, and lots of optimism is needed.
  16. is all part of the same gang. their activities aim at a world government. it's not just power and wealth, you are messing with criminal-thinking-deity worshipers.(to not say satanics)
  17. no, my "blood" is hard working european immigrant that came to south america on the 1800s and only had one great grandmother from spain, the rest were italian and french, no natives. they came to settle and work for their lives, started from zero. i hate their empire expansions, some families still have their power and they are the oligarchy fighting against the awakening latin america is experiencing with the influence of chavez and the other presidents that have revived the old liberators' ideas.
  18. that's not how you find symbolism. keep making fun of your enemies, they love it!
  19. no that's your ancestors coming to australia to kill the natives and settle. and the skeleton is the chumpsky.
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